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Mismarked CMX512-3200C2 really 3200LL


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I purchased a stick from NewEgg, then the following week when I recieved it and my motherboard I noticed that I would need 2 sticks for dual channel RAM. So I ordered another identical stick from NewEgg. Now here's the problem:


With only one stick, either one, my system boots up at 400Mhz and good SPD timings. But whenever I stick both in it only gives me 320Mhz. I've swapped them around and even tried to force 400Mhz and 2.65v in my Asus P4800-VM board.


With Sandra Light I found that one of the sticks is really 3200LL even though it says 3200CC on the stick. Is there any solution? Or can I return it and get the proper one?


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