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I’ve purchasedva 512 Corsair Flash Voyager on May 2005 and it worked fine until a week ago my pc failed to recognize it. When it does see it, Windows says it's a Prolific USB disk and I am asked to format the device. If I try to format, Windows will always reply with either "Format cannot be completed" or "The disk is write protected". When I open the properties it display the file system as RAW and the capacity of the drive is 0. I have tried to use EzRecover but it fails and reports "Writing configuration failed". I lived in Malaysia and I’m wondering if I can replace it via RMA. Thanks
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  • Corsair Employee

Please try and format your Flash Voyager with Corsair EZ-Recover Utility. Please note; this will not recover Data; it’s made to recover the FAT table for the Flash drive.

But First if you need to recover some data there are some third party utilities available that may help you if you have some data you need to recover from this site.

If you still have problems, lets get it replaced. Please use the RMA request found in TSXpress or follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

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