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XMS3200 MP - Broken


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I'm from the UK and I have a pair of damaged CMX512-3200C2PT.


They worked fine for ~1-2 weeks then I got a BS and reboot, since then every time i've booted the machine it's blue screened or just shut down, gradually getting to the point where it wont even post. I've replaced powersupply and motherboard and the same problem still occurs. I tested my OCZ Gold VX in the machine and bingo it worked fine again. This is not a settings problem, because they worked fine for weeks, then just one day developed the problem and it has consistently been an issue ever since. It is not intermittent and is definatly caused by one or both sticks of ram. My asus motherboard even got fed up with rebooting and yelled that there was a memory error and refused to post.


Since they're XMS I'd like to get a replacement. These sticks have not been touched by anything but stock settings, i've not even fettled them at all in the BIOS with regards to timings or voltage.


Thing is, I only have the sticks, none of the warrenty papers (if there were any). They've got the holo sticker and everything on them intact. Heatspreaders have not been removed ever.


Just wondering what I can do or whether I will be forced to pay out again.


Cheers for all help,


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Can you tell me the Bios version and tell me the bios settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?


The bios that came with it, the settings it defaulted to. Look, it worked fine, then it stopped and has never worked since, however it works with another set of ram so the problem is the ram. They ARE faulty. If you really need the settings I can get them but I can assure you it is a waste of my time.


STORY: Built Computer, installed windows, used windows, installed games etc, 1-2 weeks of playing games word processing etc, crash, repeated crash until fails post. Reformat, change psu, crash, change mobo, reformat, crash, change ram, works.


If i were to put the xms in the box now, it would boot and log on then crash, next time it would crash before i log on, then crash before windows has even loaded, then until it refuses to even post. Theoretically it's heat related, because if you leave it for an hour and come back you can log on and it will slowly crash faster and faster again until its left to cool down. But the heat required is minimal, the first boot would get you to logon, and thats only being on ~1-2 minutes.



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  • Corsair Employee
Please set the Dim Voltage to 2.7X volts and then set the timings manually to the tested settings for the specific module you have, and then test the module/modules one at a time with www.memtest.org! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure.
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It's very strange that the modules should work fine on one voltage and suddenly kick out and not work anymore at that voltage.


2.7 volts has pretty much solved my problem. I appologise for my mis-interperatation of the issue, though i'm sure you can understand why I came to said conclusion given the circumstances.


Cheers RAM GUY



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Right, I'm back, it seems the problem was only temporarily solved.


Voltage is at 2.7v and i'm getting errors in memtest. At 200 MHz, CAS is auto set to 3-3-3-8.


Test 1: 0

Test 2: 5

Test 3: 0

Test 4: 256

Test 5: 559

Test 6: 61

Test 7: 0 (at 25%)





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Ok, i've just tried memory test after the computer was running fine at the settings for AMD machines and got a bucketfull of errors.


I've turned it to 2.0 instead of 2.5 and it seems fine. But it wasn't erroring at 2.0 about 5 hours ago..


Frustrating.. I'll leave memtest on overnight at 2.0



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