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Hi forum!


Just wanting some advice on a machine I'm building now. Basic specs are:

Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe

2x1GB Corsair 3500LLPRO



My query is this: the mobo manual states that with this RAM, only 2x1GB sticks are supported. I was planning on adding an extra pair at a later date. I can't see why this wouldn't work. I assume that the ram would need slowing down a touch, is this why they say this?


BTW, I realise XP (32) doesn't like 4GB. I'll be using XP 64 (and upgrade to Vista in time), plus I dual boot with Linux.


If to get 4GB, the ram needs to be slowed, how much slower? Would the extra ram actually not be worth it due to the slower speed? Or is there a good chance that the ram could be overclocked and any speed loss would be minimal?


Thanks :)

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  • Corsair Employee
Overclocking and getting a stable system is very unlikely when running four modules. Unless you constantly utilize over 2GB there will be no benefit for you at all. If you do overclock the performance difference is by a big %.
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Thank you very much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it.


By coincidence, you replied just as I fitted my 2x1GB 3500LLPRO sticks :biggrin:


Could you tell me what the degredation in performance would actually be (without overclocking) if I fitted a second pair. I'm running an FX60 which I believe is a Venice core. I thought that these didn't have the speed penalty with 4 sticks that the old cores had. Or am I getting confused with something else?

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  • Corsair Employee
It depends on the core of your CPU, but all of the CPU's I have seen have beent he E4 core and would be limited to DDR333 with more than 2 double sided modules installed, and you would be limited to 2T command rate no matter what with 4 modules.
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