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bad modules


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I'd like to exchange my memory modules. I built a PC using VS1GBKIT400 memory in early January. The computer worked without problem for about three weeks, and then I was unable to boot Windows or access any recovery utilities. This week I brought the computer into a local computer retailer (MicroCenter) for testing and was told both memory modules failed. I have since installed VS1GBKIT400C3, made no other changes, and haven't had any problems since.


Some relevant system info:

Chaintect VNF4 Ultra mobo

AMD Athlon 64 3200+

XFX GeForce 6600GT

BIOS default settings

No overclocking

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  • Corsair Employee
Please set the Dim Voltage to 2.7X volts (+.2 Volts W/Giga-Byte) and then set the timings manually to the tested settings for the specific module you have, XMS2700C2 Cass 2-3-3-6 for example or if you have Value Select "BY SPD" and then test the module/'s one at a time with www.memtest.org! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure.
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