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I think I need a RMA

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I am having problems with my PC. It seems that my PC freezes and it also sometimes crashes into a blue screen, with error message "memory dump".


I troubleshot this problem and this is the result: I ran Prime 95 and I got an error within 10 seconds of hardware failure. I moved the memory around, I had it in slot 1, then 2, then 1 & 3, 2 & 4, and I got the same results.


I decided to put on stick of RAM in slot number 1 and run Prime 95 to find that I got the same error within 10 seconds. My screen started to freeze and lock up. I took that RAM out and I put my other stick of 512, ran Prime for over 8 hours without any issues or errors.


My problem is: I need to RMA this memory stick. I have two 512's running in dual channel. Do I need to send you both sticks or only one, since certain versions don't agree with other versions.


Here are my specs: abit AN7 Motherboard

XP 3000 Barton CPU

2X - 512 CORSAIR CMX512

37gig WD Raptor

200gig Seagate

98 Pro Videocard

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CPU is at 2.10 FSB is at 200 no other setting every thing default..Here somehting else I notice when I have the bad ram on my cpu speeds are 2.11 when I have the other stick in cpu reads 2.10. I also tested both ram with memtest no errors, but when I test with prime 95 I get an error with the bad ram no matter what slot I have it in, and the other ram has no errors, I know sometimes it wrong because my PC crashes and rebhoots to blue screen. with the bad ram or both install in my PC.
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  • Corsair Employee

But what are the exact settings you are using for both CPU and memory? And are you over clocking your CPU to get it to run at 200Mhz. And the memory frequency should at 200MHz = DDR400.

And since the modules are not matched I would not put them in dual channel and I would try Cas 2.5-3-3-7 at 2.75 Volts as well.

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There is no over clocking done here every setting is stock for the ABIT AN7 MB. I had this memory for over a year never had a problem.I ran test on both memory in slot 1 the 4.1 I get the error with prime 95, when I run prime 95with 1.5 I get no errors. I get crashes with 4.1 none with 1.5 my timings are the one you told to set it and still having same issue.
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