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Corsair XMS3200 wrong frecuency


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My system:

OS: Windows XP Profesional SP2

CPU: Intel P4 3.20 Ghz HT

Motherboard: ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe

GFXCard: ATI x800XT All in wonder 256MB

Audio Card: Audigy2

Memory: 4x512 Corsair XMS 3200C2

Timing: 2.5 - 3 - 3 - 7 Frecuency: 156Mhz Dual Channel PAT Enabled

PS: 420W

Before I had on my PC 2x512 3200C2 Corsair XMS and they were working at the right frecuency 199Mhz, as my P4 processors FSB is 200Mhz, then I decided to buy an extra pair exactly the same 2x512 3200C2 Corsair XMS after installing them everything look fine exepct the memory frecuency that droped to 156Mhz, I noticed some improvements on my system now with 2GB ram but also a lit bit slower than before, my question is:


1-Why the memory frecuency droped from 199Mhz to 156Mhz?

2-There is any way to fix this?


Thank you in advance and sorry for my english.

I almost forgot I run Memtest and no error found.

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