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Boot problem


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Hi all ...a complete newby here any help gratefully accepted! I have just built a system based on an abit nf7 v2.0 motherboard,amd barton core cpu 3200+,

500w power supply, ram xms3200 512mb 400mhz cl2 v4.2 /2 sticks.I have tried booting the system with this ram and it comes up saying it is 1100mhz cannot continue go to bios , which i do and reset cpu values. As 2500+ is highlighted i leave this as it is but as soon as i exit and go to the next bios settings day/ date etc it freezes completely. I have tried the ram in different slots etc and no joy. After several hours head scratching I removed both sticks of ram and put in a single stick of pc2100 256mb and it allowed me to go through the bios (only changed the date etc) save and exit and booted straight to windows? Are there any settings that i am missing out that is stopping the corsair ram from working?

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Hi again... problem sorted. I managed to get one stick working by putting it in dimm 1, ok until running a game where it would freeze..... changed latency settings and got it running stable. I then plucked up courage and put in the second stick it then crashed the system! On boot i noticed cpu auto selected 2500+ so i changed this to 3200+ everything up and running and stable!!! :biggrin:
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  • Corsair Employee

Please go to bios setup with our modules installed and load setup/optimized defaults and then set these timings manually and test the modules one at a time with http://www.memtest.org to be sure.

CPU Freq: 200 MHz

System Performance: User Define

Memory Frequency: 100%

Dim Voltage to 2.7 Volts

Resulting Frequency: 200 MHz

Memory Timings: Manual/User Define

SDRAM CAS Latency: 3T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 3T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 8T

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