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Help, i think my RAM is damaged!!!

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my name is Christian. I life in Germany so my english ist not good. Sorry :).


I bought me one year Ago Twinx1024-3200XLPro. These rams are very fast and i had never problems with that. Yesterday during playing my game, a blue screen appeard in windows. i am very angry about that. So i look at your page and take the emm86 test to check my rams. i have one of these usinstalled and testet separatly. the first i teste, has no errors obout 16 rounds. so i get change them and start again with te same test. At the end of the first round there were about 8 mistakes. i dont know what they mean, and if the rams are really destroyed. the protocoll says

(TST:1 Pass:0 Failing Adresse: 00000807230 Good: 00004100 Bad: 00000100 Err Bits: 0000400 Count:1). Therefore i think the one has am damage. Please can you help me with my problem, and say how i habe to solve my problem.


To my System:

AMD Athlon 64, 1800 MHz (9 x 200)

MSI K8T Neo2-FIR (MS-6702E)

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT



At the Memtest86 also shown parameters:

L1 14752Mb/s

L2 3665 MB/s

Memory 1302 Mb/s

Chipset Via kt800pro


Ram settings: 200 Mhz (DDR400) Cas 2.5/2/2/5 Singel Channel 64 bit (at test with one)


please help me fast then i need my pc, thz Chris

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i have 4 slots. 2 green and 2 violet. in the installation instruction of the mainboard says, that i should take the port 2 and 4 to run they at dual at 128 bit. if i take the port 1 and 3 they dont work at duak channel. i try top set the voltage at 2.8v, but i dont think it helps. whent it works i will mail again. thz for the fast answer. greez chris

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i have lift up the voltage from standart to 2.8V. then i take the first and checked again. no error is shown. then i changed the module to the second in the same port and starts memtest again. at the first round the programm shows the same problem as a day before, also the higher voltage. so what can i do to solve my big problem. plz help me :) greez Chris

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hi, this is very nice. thanks a lot, and nice to know. but what way would you prefer to go. to contact the dealer which i bought it, oder to send it directly to you. i live in germany and the shipping costs about 40 Dollar. I have mailed them, but i have not got a answer yet. He is a dealer from your homepage, and i think he is seriously. :laughing: http://www.overclockers.de :biggrin: when he dont send me a email or says he dont send it back to you, can you help me to solve my problem quickly, then you have more power then me :). I hope you understand what i mean. is there a possibility to change the rams directly, from the dealer, or have i to wait the time untill they are back. do you know how long it takes? greez Chris
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