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Request RMA for Warranty Consideration


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My Dell Inspiron 8600 started giving me problems. Blue Screen of Death "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, along with virtual memory errors, failure of programs to load and failure of OS (WINXP Pro) to load. Norton Internet Security 2006 also had failures, especially with Live-Update.


Troubleshot OS, NIS, and RAM (256mb Dell & 1gb Corsair). Using Microsoft's Memory Test Module from a floppy disk in DOS, 256mb Dell passed but 1gb Corsair failed 2067 times on the first series of tests.


My system is stable and running on the stand alone 256mb Dell memory. Add-on Corsair Memory DIMM was purchased from ZipZoomFly.com on 7/9/05 and has worked fine up until 1/3/06. Failure occurred with no additions to software or hardware configuration.


Thanks for your help.

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