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My drive lost all the data


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I was using my 1.0GB drive and coping data. Then went to access and no blue lights and no access. I rebooted many times and its not seen most of the time. I tried different USB slots to no avail. A couple of times the blue light lite and was reconized in WIN XP but it wanted to reformat it.


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I tried this program and it gives me the error messages of

Bad Parameter in boot sector:bytes per sector (65281) > 3277681

Then I click OK and I get error

Bad Parameter in Boot Sector:root directory cluster <4294967285> count of clusters.


Thats all I can do so its not a good thing !! :mad:

But it was a good try and I will use the program on another computer




I posted a message about losing data and I managed to recover using a freeware package give this a try.

Its called PC Inspector File Recovery http://www.snapfiles.com/Freeware/sy...arecovery.html

I managed to copy all the data off then reformatted the drive.

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