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Corsair XMS PC3200 1gb fails memory test

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I have a CORSAIR CMX1024-3200C2PT DDR 400 1024 MB that I purchased MonarchComputer. I've tested this memory extensively, and it appears that the same bit fails. I've been using Microsoft's memory test program, and the memory routinely fails certain tests in a certain location. I'm using a Nforce2 Abit NF7-S v2.0, and I've used this motherboard for a long time with two sticks of 256mb Corsair XMS 3500 v1.1, so I'm fairly certain that the fault doesn't lie with the motherboard.


I've tried upping the memory voltage to 2.9, lowering the clockspeed to 333mhz, and lowering the timings to 3-3-3-11. Usually when I first run the memory test the memory initially passes, but after I've run it for two hours it fails no matter what I change the settings to. My dad's looked at the test results and says that it fails in the same bit or byte.


Anyways, I was wondering if I could get a replacement module. I live in Fremont, so I'm only 10 minutes away and was wondering if I could get a quick swap.


I'm also going to buy a second stick of this stuff from Frys, and was wondering if this memory works in dual channel.

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