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3500LL Pro touches Zalman HSF - problem?


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I have an Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe motherboard, for which I bought 2GB of 3500LL Pro memory. I also bought a Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu heat sink/fan to cool my X2 3800+ cpu.


In putting these parts together, I note that a few of the Zalman's cooling fins touch a portion of the upper part of one of the 3500LLs.


Is any contact between the cooling fins and a DIMM unacceptable? Or would the amount of heat transfer be insignificant? I don't know how hot the fins get, nor what the material on the outside of the DIMM is and how it might be affected.



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No contact would be prefered, but as long as the system is stable there should not be any problems.


That's a relief, thanks!


There's an alternative I'm considering - putting my Corsair 3500LL Pros in the A2 and B2 DIMM slots instead of A1 and B1. (It's A1 that's too close to the Zalman HSF).


However, my Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe manual says to only use A1 and B1. Would it hurt to try A2 and B2?


As a side note, the QVL on the next page implies that either pair of slots can be used, so I'm very confused.



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