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Memtest86 Question


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Alienware does not cover Memtest86 errors, but I'm getting a couple blue screens few and far between so I tested my RAM w/ Memtest86 and I got 3 errors. Does Corsair cover RAM for Memtest86? and can I get an RMA from Corsair directly? Thanks.
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I'm pretty sure my BIOS is fine... here are the settings I figured were important:


CPU Frequency - 166MHz

Multiplyer - 12.5

Memory Frequency - Auto (166MHz)

Memory Timings: 2-3-2-5

FSB Spread Spectrum - Disabled

AGP Spread Spectrum - Disabled

CPU Vcore - 1.650v

DDR Reference Voltage - 2.6v

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  • 2 weeks later...

BUMP + Error info:


Tst -- Pass -- Failing Address -- Good -- Bad -- Err-Bits -- Count

3 -- 0 -- 0001011ce7c - 257.7MB -- 04040404 -- 24040404 -- 20000000 -- 3

4 -- 1 -- 0001011ce7c - 257.7MB -- 87b4d46f -- a7b4d46f -- 20000000 -- 2

6 -- 4 -- 0001550057c - 341.0MB -- fdffffff -- bdffffff -- 40000000 -- 2

3 -- 7 -- 0001011ce7c - 257.7MB -- 04040404 -- 24040404 -- 20000000 -- 1

4 -- 9 -- 0001550057c - 341.0MB -- fd25776e -- bd25776e -- 40000000 -- 1


Those are my Memtest86+ results after an hour or so. What do I do now?

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