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CMX512-3200C2PT and A8V-E Deluxe


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I am having progressively worse crashes. I have flashed BIOS, manually set the stick BIOS settings, and ran memtest: it gave me over 700 errors in under 15 minutes when it got to tests 5 and 6, moving inversions I think. I've had the stick for a year and a half, can I have an RMA? I've tried everything I can think of and dont have another system to check the stick in. Audio skips, most games crash out after playing them a little while. There are other frequent crashes in Internet Explorer, etc.


BIOS settings I have tried:

2.5-3-3-6 and 2.5-3-3-8 also tried 1T and 2T Command Rate

Voltage is 2.75


Lot# 0329082

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