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XMS 3200C2 problem


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About a month ago while backing up some large files I thought my mobo took a crap, it wouldn't post in any configuration, so I sent it back to manufacturer for them to check it. They said it was OK, so I tried again. After many tries and checks with peripherals, CPUs, mobo mounting, etc, I think I have a bad stick of XMS CMX512 3200C2 DDR, I have two of these I was using up until the crap. One stick will post BIOS, the other one won't, and other sticks of RAM from another vendor will post in the mobo as well in the same DIMM configuration. Man, last thing I thought would happen cause Corsair is the best, I still think so, please help. Thanks.


Memory stick specifics:

Part- CMX512-3200C2

Version- XMS3202v5.2

Lot- 0537037-0

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