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TwinX512-3200llpt with Gigabyte GA-8KNXP


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I've been using a Gigabyte GA-8KNXP rev.1 motherboard with 2 sets of TwinX512-3200llpt for a while now (1 GB total). I've only been able to get the RAM to run at 2326 with a BIOS setting of "Command Per Clock" set to disabled. I've read around and it seems that setting this to enabled would be equivalent to a 1T command rate and disabled is a 2T command rate. Enabling this setting caused my system to be unable to boot, it freezes in the BIOS or when loading Windows it restarts (does this with both 1 set of TwinX and both sets of TwinX installed). Nothing is overclocked and the RAM is stated to be able to run a 1T, so am I missing something? (also SPD sets my CAS to 2.5, isn't the LL series supposed to be SPD to CAS 2?)


Furthermore, I've tried using yet another set of TwinX512-3200llpt (total of 1.5GB) but I get errors in Test 7 of Memtest). When installed seperately, all 3 sets of TwinX512-3200llpt run through Memtest without any errors. (The GA-8KNXP has 6 DIMM slots and the manual states that all 6 can be used in dual channel with similar ram and as long as they are all single sided or all but 1 set is single sided and CMX256A-3200llpt modules are single sided). Any input why I'm getting these errors?

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