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2GB Corsair Flash Voyager Dead?


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I've had my flash drive for about 5 months now and have loved every day of it. But a few days ago was about the worst ever... I recently backed up my parents computer with the 2GB Voyager and tested the drive to make sure all was good. When I launched a few pics and tested the Turbo Tax files on my machine the outlook looked fine to start a format.


Needless to say, the ending of this story is that for whatever reason after 2 hours of sitting on the desk beside the computer as I formatted it... the drive died. Whenever I put it in the computer it simply says "This drive is not formatted" yet Windows fails to ever format it (quick) and my Macintosh also fails a (quick) format and all data recovery programs simply hang on trying to read the thumb drive.


I don't want to do a full format cause then the data is gone forever and that WAS my backup. There are the only copies of my daughters birth on that drive as well as about 5 years of my fathers Turbo Tax documents :(: . Is there ANY way at all to get this data back? And what about my drive... dead or fluke?

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Exactly the same for me. I wanted to past pictures and Xp said that I have to format. I made it, and after, nothing to do. I can see the key in the explorer, but my key is now at 0Mo..... I downloaded the corsair flash voyager utilities, but I can't start thais spftware on Xp. I tried with on other computer, it's the same problem. And I can't format again...

I think it's dead. I am searching, if I find something I will tell you.

Sorry for my english, I'm french ;):

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  • Corsair Employee

Our Flash software will not run if the flash drive is not detected. That is why it is not loading. If the drive is detected you will see a corsair Icon on the task bar then just click on the Icon to bring up the utilities.


But it sounds like maybe your drive has failed, but I would try it in another system if you can to be sure. Please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part! Or *New* Tech Support Express” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm having the same problems. I had copied some stuff to my 2gb flash and now when I connect it, I get the drive is not formatted and when I try to format is says drive cannot be formatted. I have tried the drive on several computers (6 to be exact) and they all do the same thing. Do I need to RMA this or is there anything else I can try?
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  • Corsair Employee

Please try and format your Flash Voyager with Corsair EZ-Recover Utility. Please note; this will not recover Data; it’s made to recover the FAT table for the Flash drive.

But before you format it there are some third party utilities available that may help you if you have some data you need to recover from this site.

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I think my flash stick has died too...I have been using my 2GB flash stick for about 4 months without any problems and suddenly no computers are recognising it. They always say it needs to be formatted. I have tried to format it several times and am always told that the computer cant format it and that it is write protected. What can I do? I dont mind so much about the documents on the flash drive, I just need to be able to use it again.
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