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Bad TWINX CMX512-3200XLPT Module


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A few months ago I did an RMA exchange for some mislabeled RAM. I got the new RAM from Corsair and all was working again at the specified speeds. See Post ID = 211220 for all information.

Several weeks ago my system started crashing. I tested each of my modules with Memtest-86 v3.2. It showed that one of the modules that I got form Corsair in the previous RMA has gone bad. It will fail and generate errors when Memtest attempts test #5.

I have run all of the tests with each individual memory module I have in my system several times and this one CMX512-3200XLPT module keeps failing. I would like to do another exchange for a new set.

Thank you.

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  • Corsair Employee

Please try the following settings. You can set them in your BIOS, if you have trouble locating one of the settings consult your manual or please contact the support team of your motherboard manufacturer.


DRAM Voltage (also called DDR VOLTAGE): 2.75


DRAM Clock: 200 MHz

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 2T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 2T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 5T

SDRAM Bank Interleave: 4 Bank

All other settings are motherboard defaults.


Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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