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Max voltage permissable for TwinX PC3200LL


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I am having a hard time setting the voltages on this RAM. I have a MSI 875 Neo2 FIS2R and using 1024MB of this RAM (matched pair) and it giving me a head ache. I can only run it in DDR mode if the vdimm is 2.8Volts. I cannot use Ultra turbo though. A friend of mine who has the same RAM says to use a 2.9V and it will work. I am afraid to try as it may void the warantly as well as my vacation. Any ideas what can be done to get the Ultra turbo mode on. RAM guy pls help
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Most are not able to use any of those advanced turbo type settings for the MSI MOBOs. However, you might want to do a search here and at other forums. Some users have had some luck tuning the bios and I think that there are some beta bios' floating around out there. Mike.
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