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Memory Sticks Dead?


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I have been running 2 sticks of CMX512-3200 on an ASUS K8N-E Deluxe motherboard for a little over a year now. Recently I re-installed WinXP Pro and the first day after the install, my system ran fine. However from the next day on, I was getting multiple error messages (page fault in non.paged area, PNF list corrupt, among others). So I ran a Memtest and it returned with 79,000+ errors. Since then, I've removed the sticks to try in another computer but to no avail and now my system will not even boot when I put the sticks back in. Not sure what is goin on, any suggestions?
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  • Corsair Employee
Please set the Dim Voltage to 2.7X volts and then set the timings manually to the tested settings for the specific module you have, and then test the module/modules one at a time with www.memtest.org! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure.
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hmmm..... interesting. With boths sticks in MemTest returned 10 errors at 2.5V, ~30,000 at 2.6V, and over 100,000 at 2.7V. But when I tested them alone at 2.6V, they pass with no errors. I would presume it is a mobo issue if I hadn't been running this system and parts for over a year now. No clue what's gone wrong now.
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Hmm..... tried my sticks in my friends computer and the same errors occurred at ~98% complete in Test 5. We still ran into errors when we slowed the latency but ran fine when we lowered the clock speed and left the latency at 3338. Then again, with 1 stick in, the computer booted properly. I know that ASUS has been lacking in support for the K8N-E Deluxe board but... I doubt that an updated bios (went from version 1001 to 1007, supposedly no ram changes in the bios) caused these errors.
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  • Corsair Employee
Well I have no problem replacing your modules; however I would suggest updating to the latest bios and loading setup defaults. Many times MB makers will make minor changes to improve performance or stability and inadvertently resolve other issues like you have described. And they would not always list that in the bios history!
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Well, tried other BIOSes and still errored when running 2 sticks @ DDR400. Tried my friend's on my motherboard and it worked fine. So it looks like I'm goin to fill out the RMA form. On a side note though, the sticks run fine at DDR315 (capped by BIOS).
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  • 3 months later...
It's me again... I received 2 new sticks of CMX512-400 from the RMA and I'm still running into the same issue. These sticks refuse to run at 400 when paired but separately, they run fine. I have recently upgraded my mobo to a DFI lanparty UT nforce3 and I know that I can run a pair of Kingston HyperX PC3500 at their rated speed. Not sure why these Corsair sticks won't run at their rated speed when paired.
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I'm running everything at defaults right now with the ram in slots 1 & 2.



Voltage: 2.7

Cas: 3

Ras to Cas: 3

Ras: 3

Tras: 8


CPU (using an AMD Mobile 3400 ):

Voltage: 1.3

Core Speed: 2200


Like I said, my system boots fine with 1 stick but not with 2 sticks of Corsair while my friends sticks work just fine.

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