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What gain by adding 512 to my TwinX1024-3200 ?

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Im running a 2800+ with TwinX1024-3200LL-Pro and a radeon 9800 pro. Will I see a worthwhile increase in performance by adding another 512LL-Pro (identical to the other two) to the board? What happens in terms of memory bandwidth as it is running dual channel at the moment.
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Do you know if your board supports Dual Channel with all 3 slots full? I think the key word here is "worthwhile". If you went wiyh 1536GB of RAM and showed higher benchmarks, the question would be, could you physically notice a difference. In response to a previous post: Benchmarking programs show results in numbers, to physically see or notice a difference would be minute at best. 1024 of DDR 400 is a pretty sufficient amount of RAM.
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