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RAM GUY, the guy from MushkinMemory says...


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...that tRAS settings lower than tRCD + CAS + 2 cycles are bad and will decrease performance! :eyebuldge Read it here: [url]http://www.mushkin.com/mushkin/pop-up/latencies.htm[/url] [QUOTE]Any tRAS setting lower tRCD + CAS + 2 cycles will allow the memory controller to close the page “in your face!” over and again and that will cause a performance hit because of a truncated transfer that needs to be repeated. Along with those hassles comes the self-explanatory risk for data corruption. That one is not a real problem as long as the system is kept running but in case it is shut down and the memory content is written back to the hard disk drive, the consequences can be catastrophic. For the drive, that is.[/QUOTE] Is that really true? Should I better run my two CMX512-2700C2-modules @ 2-2-2-6-1T instead of 2-2-2-5-1T? :ummmm:
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  • Corsair Employee
Well I would not run with the Rass to Cass set to 2 with this module as it is rated at Cass 2-3-3-7 not Cass 2-2-2-5. And it would really depends on the chipset and CPU combo as too which will give better performance.
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