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ICUE broken


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I am honestly beyond annoyed. I got myself a new PC in January and used the new and fancy ICUE LINK QX RGB fans and a H150L RGB AIO.

What could possibly go wrong? It's literally the cream of the crop, their best and most recent product, it should work fine with THEIR software, right?

Well no, apparently not. I installed ICUE, set everything up and thought it was done. But then it showed me that my ICUE Link system hub had an update, so I updated it. But oh boy, immediately after I updated it, the fans and everything vanished in the software and the lights went in the classic color switching mode. When I restart the software or my pc, it seems to reset the software and I can access my fans again, but it's stuck to that version.

Another problem is that the fans, for some stupid reason, do not spin without ICUE installed/open. They are just standing still, that's it. This is obviously very problematic as the CPU needs to be cooled and stuff, so what the actual f*ck?

And if that wasn't enough, a couple of days ago the fans just randomly stopped spinning but were still glowing in the right colors, so I tried to repair the software with the installer tool. Long story short, it didn't work, I had to enter safe mode to delete the folders and re-installed it completely. I also tried using Revo uninstaller but that did not help at all. Now sometimes the fans are glowing and sometimes not, mostly just in the wrong color, even though I set it up correctly, and sometimes the software does not even start up. cool.

So that's how I'm sitting here now. It's honestly unbelievable how companies like corsair mess up everything with their horrible software. Bro, I just want my fans to spin at my set up curve and glow in the right colors, is that too much to ask for when buying their already overpriced tech?

Anyways, I would be grateful for a solution since I really could not find anything helpful on the internet or forums.

Thank you in advance.

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I dont know who is in charge of testing software updates at Corsair, but frankly....they need sacking.  


I've been a massive Corsair fan for years, but im sick and tired of having to rely on iCue now.  Especially as i'm running 10 iCue Link QX fans and have to use iCue to control them.  How can literally every single update throw up problem after problem...i cant recall a single update thats worked where i havent had any issues.  Im so fed up im actually seriously considering moving away from the brand completely.


CORSAIR....sort yourselves out !!

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Same boat here. Love the products but this software is garbage. The update caused:

  • Error messages loading devices in Icue
  • attempted repair failed, files not found
  • attempted uninstall failed, files in use
  • attempted manual deletion, files in use
  • had to move files to dummy locations to remove folders entirely before could reinstall
  • finally got fresh install, mouse lighting won't work at all unless I hard reset it and then won't pick up profile
  • RAM will not under ANY circumstances detect

A little search reveals a long history of updates to icue breaking ****.

Normally I'm pretty considering of issues but this is absurd.

This will absolutely factor into my selection of future corsair products. 

I'm a one stop shop kind of guy.

Do better!!!!!!

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I cannot believe we are in 2024 and such terrible software still exists with the same useless performance, how on earth is this still not fixed !!!!!!!!! There is nothing good to say about this. Don’t get me wrong corsair are a great company with great products but whoever created ICUE should maybe try to find another line of work (please do)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Latest iCue update installed and guess what !!  Still no RAM showing...


Good work Corsair !! *facepalm*

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