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High CPU temp 90 and low water temp 30

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I have a  B650 MSI and a 7600X, no overclocks.

I can't update iCUE, its updating and then stops.

But i can't select CPU temp only water temp.

CPU is  90 degrees en watertemp is 30, also fans are nog running fast, because watertemp is low!

Can someone help me out.

Did not forget to remove plastic and everything is connect correctly.

Schermafbeelding 2024-05-04 122741.png

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Check whether your cooling is mounted correctly. Have the correct standoffs been selected, has the plastic cover been removed from the pump head? Is the pump now firmly attached to the CPU?

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It’s mounted correctly with bolts for the AM5 and what I sad in my last post, the plastic is removed. Tomorrow I can upload more pictures.

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Coolant temp is the proper control variable for the pump and radiators fans. The cpu is cooled conductively as heat is physically transferred from lid to cold to water stream. That rate of heat transfer doesn’t change with fan speed. The fans help dissipate heat from the liquid. If you don’t remove heat from the liquid, then its temperature will increase over time. Liquid temp is the minimum possible cpu temp at zero voltage. +1C to liquid temp = +1C to CPU temp. 

If you start a stress test and the cpu temp instantly hits 90-100C+, you have a contact issue or in some cases the voltage is too high as a result of overlocking. If your fan speed is too low or the liquid flow too slow, you get a more gradual change. The counter starts at 75C, but then steadily creeps up to 90C over time. 

Based on your description, this going to be a contact issue. It can be really frustrating, but you need to remount again. 

The missing cpu package temp for AMD is a reported issue in this release.  There were significant UI changes as well. In your screen shot above you are in “Device Memory Mode”. This is the new name for Hardware Mode or the device behavior when CUE is not running. Unlike before where leaving that screen return you to software mode, once you check the toggle to enter Device Memory Mode you stay there until you shut down the PC. Your control options, lighting, and choices will be more limited in DDM mode. Set the behavior you want for boot/shutdown/BIOS, then toggle DDM off and use CUE in its normal software mode. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I find out that 90/100 degrees is normal for a Ryzen CPU, BUT with beter bios setting i did get it to 66 degrees with stress test!!!

Follow this this advise:


Its seems that you cab ubdervolt the Ryzen pretty much!

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