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iCUE v5.4.98 Release Notes


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Software Enhancements
  • A new version of the iCUE Plugin for Stream Deck is now available. Users will now be able to assign units of measurement (e.g., Celsius/Fahrenheit) to sensors
  • Additional Context Notifications have been added to improve the user experience
  • iCUE macOS® now supports direct upgrades from iCUE 4.33 to the latest version of iCUE 5.x
  • iCUE macOS® now supports our crash reporting service
  • Resolved an issue that allowed users to accidentally delete iCUE modules

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Still no option to disable profile switch button on the corsair scimitar. Please restore this previous functionality.

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At last , the Nexus text bug is fixed 

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so far so good as expected 👍

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12 hours ago, andyvee said:

At last , the Nexus text bug is fixed 

Only took them like a year to finally fix it

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Bug issue Corsair Dark Star.

DPI upp and down buttons cannot be remapped without it retaining the DPI upp and down function.

For example if I map DPI up to keystoke forward and DPI down to Keystroke backwards it will do the commands i set but at the same time it will also change DPI.

yes i have not selected "retain original output".

This correlates to the next issue.

Even if i disable some DPI setting it will still go after the default ones, example if i choose only three dpi modes 1000, 2000, and 3000 it will still change as if it was the default ones 400, 800, 1200, 1600 and 3200. It will stick to the DPI mode i choose ex 2500 but as soon as i press DPI up or down if will default to hardware default values.

Tried to disable all DPI but one but will still change DPI to HW default values.


It seems as if the DPI buttons follow some hardware set values and will not listen to software, tried to disable and remove hw profies and also disable the buttons in "hardware key assigments" but to no avail.


As of now DPI up and down are useless if you want to set them on other function exept their default values.

Edited by Widde
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28 minutes ago, Widde said:

Bug issue Corsair Dark Star.

DPI upp and down buttons cannot be remapped without it retaining the DPI upp and down function.

For example if I map DPI up to keystoke forward and DPI down to Keystroke backwards it will do the commands i set but at the same time it will also change DPI.

yes i have not selected "retain original output".

This correlates to the next issue.

Even if i disable some DPI setting it will still go after the default ones, example if i choose only three dpi modes 1000, 2000, and 3000 it will still change as if it was the default ones 400, 800, 1200, 1600 and 3200. It will stick to the DPI mode i choose ex 2500 but as soon as i press DPI up or down if will default to hardware default values.

Tried to disable all DPI but one but will still change DPI to HW default values.


It seems as if the DPI buttons follow some hardware set values and will not listen to software, tried to disable and remove hw profies and also disable the buttons in "hardware key assigments" but to no avail.


As of now DPI up and down are useless if you want to set them on other function exept their default values.

Resolved by a reinstall of iCUE and did an hardware reset on the mouse.

Was probably a conflict with my old Dark Core PRO RGB that i tried to run along side one another but they did intefered with eatchother settings such as lightning and button commands.

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After updating th 5.4.98 iCUE would only display my Corsair RAM & Asus Motherboard, my H100i cooler and Commander Pro were missing.
Repairing the software through Windows Programs & Features and selecting Change rather than Uninstall fixed it.

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this update completely borked my pc. wont let me repair/unistall through windows etc. tried regedit etc and files still show on pc but icue no longer shows in programs so no way of being able to repair/uninstall from there now either. tried a fresh install on a different drive, cue works but aio isnt showing, only commander core is showing. lcd has red error triangle, which showed immediately when i powered on pc and went to see in icue, which is when the new update installed and broke everything along with it. any ideas??


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49 minutes ago, NimbostratusLux said:

this update completely borked my pc. wont let me repair/unistall through windows etc. tried regedit etc and files still show on pc but icue no longer shows in programs so no way of being able to repair/uninstall from there now either. tried a fresh install on a different drive, cue works but aio isnt showing, only commander core is showing. lcd has red error triangle, which showed immediately when i powered on pc and went to see in icue, which is when the new update installed and broke everything along with it. any ideas??


Power down your system and reseat the wide cable between it and your cooler . You should not see the commander core in icue normally.

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Well I figured out how to disable the profile switch button.

I made a blank disable key map

Close ICUE completely

went into where the profiles are saved C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Corsair\CUE5\profiles

Opened the profiles with notepad++ 

There maybe multiple profiles in this directory. you should select the one that was modified most recently as that should be the one you just added the new keymap to.

Search for name of Key assignment mine was Disable 3


What I highlighted was blank add the value <key>MouseProfileSwitch</key> save it and  reopen ICUE and it should set the key to disabled.

you can verify it on the dashboard


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On 7/25/2023 at 5:33 PM, t0niX said:

Has support for the RTX 40x0 Founder Edition cards been added? I couldn’t try it out yet. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏼

I‘m starting to give up hope regarding the long awaited support. Is somebody able to reverse engineer the DLL and add support? Shouldn’t be an impossible thing to do?

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When are you guys gonna Disable phone home for your software updates. I'm sick & tired of my AIO (H115I Elite Capellix) disconnecting when you send out a new software update. The only reason I know there's an update is when my AIO starts to disconnect.

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At random times at startup since iCUE 5.3 my Nexus looses all screens and is black.

When it does this i have to restore backup or reconfigure my screens as they are gone from iCUE.

Seems like iCUE somehow forgets my custom screens as when i go into iCUE they are completely gone.

Have removed all preinstalled screens so cant say anything about them.

- Have tried forcing FW update,

- Removed Nexus along side all HID devices associated with it and then reconnect

- Uninstalled and reinstalled iCUE.

Above fixes have not worked as it still at random times looses screens, was no issues with iCUE 4.

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I uninstalled v5 and just rolled back to v4.33 as its stable and I have no issues with it. v5 is a hot mess

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