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5000D Airflow - Not enough clearance for top radiator and fans

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I'm puzzled. I have a Corsair 5000D Airflow and in the process of going from Corsair CPU AIO to custom loop (because RTX 4090). I've seen builds with top-mounted radiator and fans inside the case and I was planning a 280mm there, together with a 360mm in front. But I discovered that there's no way I can plug in the CPU power connectors, there's not enough clearance.

The radiator is 30mm thick (EK-Quantum Surface S280), and the fans are 25mm (Noctua NF-A14 PWM). The MB is Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite AX, if it matters. The PSU is Corsair HX1500i with original cables, so the wires are not oversized.

I realize that there are options - e.g. to move radiator above the top support and leave only the fans inside, or go with slimmer radiator and fans. But, again, I've seen builds in this case with regular 30mm rad/25mm fans and I don't understand what's different here. Does anybody?




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Update: Some progress by routing the CPU ATX cables around the radiator, but:
- looks poorly, but I can live with that better than not fitting the top dust filter
- cables aren't long enough for the PSU to fit back in place, but I guess finding longer cables will be easier than finding a 280/25mm radiator





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You can spin that PSU around, fan up and you'll have more slack for the cables, on top of better PSU thermals. kill two birds with one stone

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Great idea, thanks LeDoyen! The cables are stretched to max, but id did fit back in the case after flipping it. I still have to order extension cables or thinner radiator, what I got there is not ideal. Having the case closed while I wait for parts is very good, though.

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when i had that issue in a 680x, i bent the flat cables so it could fit between the radiator and motherboard, and it did fit. But sometimes you have to do that before fitting the radiator which is a pain.

I wouldn't recommend using extensions, they tend to cause a small voltage drop 🙂

Also, technically, you don't really need to populate both EPS12V cables. One is enough to power the CPU, if that too can help.

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That was my initial attempt, yes. Even with the cables flat against the EPS connectors, the fan edge would leave a mark on the cables and not go over. The clearance needed is minimal, even 2-3mm extra may be enough.

Point taken on the extensions, I'll go look for a slimmer 30mm radiator then, because I don't need much there. I suspect the clearance is caused by the EPS connectors being slightly taller on this MB, to be at the same height with the VRM heatsink. I'll try to confirm.

Thank you for your help.

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Now that's the kind of news that makes you wish they thought of that sooner 😛


That layout would have worked perfectly for your issue lol

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...

My 360 Liquid Freezer III AIO hits the MoBo MOSFET Heatsinks. Ended up having to install at an angle to get the build to a point to test it. Are there any adaptor plates available? If I could just move the radiator outward toward the glass about 12 to 15 mm would be sufficient. 
 I agree with the other person that said the reset design is a HUGE waste.

As far as the PSU, I went with the Corsair RM1200x Shift, and the cables all had plenty of room. I also opted for the PCIe extension cable to mount the 4090 vertically, which also helped keep the build a lot cleaner.

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