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Any ideas on why I'm unable to "Sign In" to my Corsair Account on a new Windows 11 system?

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Hi,  I'm really not sure if this is the proper forum to be submitting this ... but ...

I'm transitioning to a new Windows 11 PC (from an older Windows 10 PC).   On my older Windows 10 system, I can navigate to the Corsair website, click "sign in", a login form pops up, and I can successfully log in to my Corsair account.  (I'm using the Windows 10 PC now to write this.)   However, on my Windows 11 system, when I navigate to the Corsair website and click "sign in" ... nothing happens.  No login form pops up ... no error messages ... just nothing.   (I can otherwise navigate the entire Corsair site, I just can't sign in to my account.)   I get the same behavior if I click "Join Us" ... nothing happens.   If I navigate to support and then try clicking the sign in link from there, the behavior is slightly different .   In that case, the browser seems to want to navigate to " Federation.Corsair.com/loginproxy....(etc), but the web page simply goes blank and nothing is ever displayed.

I've tried everything I can think of to resolve it ... uninstall ad-blockers, set the browser to allow pop-ups and redirects, added Corsair.com to as many whitelists as I could find.  I even uninstalled my A.V., which ironically is also installed on this Windows 10 system and seemingly  not causing any issues.)    I've tried with both Edge and Chrome browsers.

To be honest, I've also submitted this same information to Corsair in the form of a Support Request, but I figured I'd also post here, just in case someone has a possible solution (or has an idea what might be happening on my Windows 11 machine.)     My concern is that I won't have access to this Windows 10 machine for much longer, so getting access to Corsair on the new machine will soon become necessary.,  

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What browser are you using on each OS? What extensions are installed.

You're on the right track - sounds like there's an extension installed on the W11 PC's browser (or security software) that's blocking something on that browser.


What explicit URL are you going to to log in? https://www.corsair.com ? https://forum.corsair.com ? 

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Hi, Thanks for the reply.

In answer to your questions,   I have Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox ... same issue regardless of which browser I use.  I have extensions installed only on my Google browswer , and they are:  Adobe Acrobat PDF,  Bookmark Sidebar, and Google Docs (which happen  to be the same extension I have installed on my Windows 10 machine browser, which I'm using now).  In  terms of AV, I have MalwareBytes (which  I also have running on the Windows 10 machine), but I do have both Corsair.com and Federation.Corsair.com on the whitelist.  Regardless, even if I totally disable MalwareBytes on the Windows 11 machine, I still can't get the sign in form to pop up. 

I agree that it appears that *something* is blocking the popup on the Windows 11 machine ... I just don't know what.  BTW, I did also try completely uninstalling MB and restarting my system, but that made no difference.   As for the URL,  I've tried accessing both .  With Corsair.com, the "sign in " button simply does nothing.  With forum.corsair.com, clicking the sign in button tries to navigate me to "federation.corsair.com/forum .... " , but as I mentioned originally, the browser simply goes to a blank screen and stays that way ... nothing ever is displayed. 

Here's the interesting thing ... yesterday morning, on a whim, I tried logging in again to my Corsair account ... AND IT WORKED ... (I had made no changes to my Windows 11 machine).  For the next few hours, I tried a few times, each time I was able to get the sign in popup to appear and I was able to successfully sign in to my account.   Today however, I tried again ... back to the original problem. I'm unable to sign in.   Once again, this is all without having changed any security or browser settings.

Given that I have basically the same AV/Extension/browser setup on both of my machines, it does seem like the issue is unique to Windows 11.  The question is .. WHAT?

- Tom


Edited by ttownsend
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Just another update (and yes, it gets weirder).   First, I did try CTRL+U (in Chrome) when trying to sign in from the forum page.  (That's the path where it hangs on Federation.Corsair.com).   The HTML is there, but all that code is doing is invoking the federation proxy ... and that seems to be where it hangs.

Now the really weird part.   This morning, I tried again in Incognito mode.    Although I had tested that before, this time it worked.  I got in.  So, I  shut down the browser, reopened it in a new incognito window, and tried again .... Failed ... no sign in pop up.  The next three or four attempts failed as well.   Then, about 20 minutes later, I tried again (in a normal window, not incognito) ... Success!    I stayed logged into for a couple of minutes and then shut down the browser,  but when I immediately re-opened the browser to try again, well ... you guessed it ... Failed!

So whatever the problem is, I no longer believe that it has anything to do with A.V. software or browser security settings.  (After all, my Windows 10 machine is configured the same way and it doesn't have any issues.)   It almost appears to be timing related of some sort, although I don't know what that could actually be.  It's also possible that there is some issue in Windows 11 (2022 H2)  that's causing this randomness. Or, it could be related to how the federation.Corsair.com redirect is working.  So far,  I'm seeing this only when attempting to log in to Corsair, no other vendor sites seem to have this issue.  

Unfortunately, although it seems to be random,  the successful logons are very infrequent.  As I mentioned in my first post, I have a support ticket open with Corsair on this issue.  I did get an email response, simply saying that they had never heard of this before and were going to pass it on to engineering to see "what, if anything" could be done.    😞

- Tom


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Any time we've seen this happen it's something preventing the page from fully loading, e.g. blocking cookies or javascript - but that wouldn't explain the randomness of it across multiple browsers and incognito windows. No other reports, so it can't be a system issue. Either something on the system is blocking it randomly, or something somewhere has a bad cache of the site.

Could try checking MalwareBytes to see if they're randomly blocking it or something, but I doubt that's the issue since it's random.

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I have had this issue today but only with Google Chrome and not in Incognito mode. Edge works and Chrome works when I use Incognito mode.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/8/2022 at 4:29 AM, edsager said:

I have had this issue today but only with Google Chrome and not in Incognito mode. Edge works and Chrome works when I use Incognito mode.

Any ad blockers? I think it was ghostery was stopping the page working for me. Allowed site to run on the ad blocker and it is fine after

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I am also seeing this behavior across multiple browsers and devices (macOS, Windows 11, Chrome iPadOS).

After entering my email/password, I get a white/blank box that overlays on the web page. All it has is an X in the corner to close it - see attached image. I looked at the code for this box in Chrome developer tools and I have attached that as well.

I've tried changing my password, which I can do successfully, but I still can't log in.

I don't have any ad blocker extensions. I've also tried incognito/private browser windows and they exhibit the same problem.

Corsair Blank Box Code.png

Corsair Blank Box Capture.png

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Here's the code for that blank/white box overlay in non-screenshot form:

<div id="colorbox" class="heightAuto crs-verify-address" role="dialog" tabindex="-1" style="display: block; visibility: visible; top: 14px; left: 514px; position: absolute; width: 960px; height: 527px;">
  <div id="cboxWrapper" style="height: 527px; width: 960px;">
      <div id="cboxTopLeft" style="float: left;"></div>
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        <div id="cboxCurrent" style="float: left; display: none;"></div>
        <button type="button" id="cboxPrevious" style="display: none;"></button>
        <button type="button" id="cboxNext" style="display: none;"></button>
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        <div id="cboxLoadedContent" style="height: 404px; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; width: 404px;"></div>
        <button type="button" id="cboxClose">
          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
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    <div style="clear: left;">
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  <div style="position: absolute; width: 9999px; visibility: hidden; display: none; max-width: none;"></div>

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