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K100 Feder Sounds


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Hallo zusammen, 

heute ist endlich meine K100 mit MX Switches angekommen. Selbst vom Schreibgefühl ist die Tastatur Top. Jedoch ist mir bei allen Tasten aufgefallen, dass sie eine Art „blim“ Geräusch von sich geben, wenn ich diese betätige. Sie hört sich wie eine oder mehrere Defekte Federn an. Schwer zu umschreiben. Es ist auf jeden Fall ziemlich nervig und stört mich massiv beim Schreiben ohne Kopfhörer. 

Meine Frage wäre, ist dies bei einem solch teurer premium Produkt normal oder habe ich ein Montagsmodel erwischt? Wird dieses Geräusch nach mehreren Nutzungen verschwinden? Falls es ein Montagsmodell ist, würde ich fragen wollen ob man es reparieren könnte?


"Hörprobe": https://imgur.com/a/FKxecuF


Liebe Grüße 


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Mine with the OPX switches has that ping sound too.
I wouldn't mind it too much if adding foam wouldn't void the warranty, or in this cause even potentially break parts of the keyboard or cause it to overheat.
Mine actually gets warm to the touch in the enter button area, even when using the feet.

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Mine doesn't get warm. But I have the Optical switches as well. Same sound from mine as well. I would have loved to see some padding in there as well. And a Nexus built into the top. Since all that space is wasted doing nothing.

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  • Corsair Employee

Hello guys,

According to the original poster, it sounds like his issue could be spring ping (pinging noise from within the switches), or it could be something else that's reverberating external to the switch but internal to the keyboard case itself. I personally don't know of any DIY fixes for the K100 myself nor could I recommend any because it may void the warranty. What I can say is if it does become very bothersome, open a ticket with our support team and try for a replacement to see if there are better units. I will log these issues and report it to the team so we can make improvements moving forward. Thank you!

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7 hours ago, KILLER_K said:

Mine doesn't get warm. But I have the Optical switches as well. Same sound from mine as well. I would have loved to see some padding in there as well. And a Nexus built into the top. Since all that space is wasted doing nothing.

Except the Nexus is easily another $100 on top of the price. Seems simpler for everyone involved to just order the Nexus separately, which is what I did.

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Too clunky looking to add to the top. Like I stated they could have made it in that same big empty spot. Or for you put one in the box and charged extra. Most will pay a little extra to stop from buying it later on. Is it worth another $100? Probably not but include it in the package and knock some of the price off it.

Edited by KILLER_K
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