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Memory compatibility problem


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Hello, I purchased the ram at this link: http://www2.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=20-145-479&depa=1#DetailSpecs


And I currently have this ram installed:



When I have both put in together the computer won't start and I hear a voice that says "system fail due to cpu overclock" It has nothing to do with the cpu and shouldn't the ram work together? The only thing that is different is the cas latency, on the one I just got it is 3, on the one I have it is 2.5, does this really mean they can't work together? I really need help!! Thanks.

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  • Corsair Employee
With most MB's/systems you would not be able to mix Cass 2.5 and Cass 3 memory, and in the case of AMD 64 they likely will not post at all if the modules are not matched.
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With most MB's/systems you would not be able to mix Cass 2.5 and Cass 3 memory, and in the case of AMD 64 they likely will not post at all if the modules are not matched.



Thank you very much!! This is exactly what I thought, I just didn't know for sure. Now hopefully NewEgg will let me return or exchange. Do you know if they will?

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