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I have a bad part

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I bought a dual pack for a combined total of 1G and after installation the computer would crash complaining that a certain sector of memory could not be read. I then took the ram out, put it back in and the same thing happened. I tried the first stick by itself and it worked fine but when I tried the second one the computer would constantly crash. A ram test (by mRam) revealed that the second one had a few bad areas and now I'm here to try and get the "RAM-Guy" number so I can get it exchanged.
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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the exact model# of your memory module and please tell me if you purchased that module as a pair or set; also what is the make and model of MB you have along with the CPU speed and its FSB as well? In addition, please tell me if you have the latest BIOS installed on your system and what BIOS settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?
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