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Memory passing test but still failing

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is it possible for memory to fail yet still pass your memory test?


I have two systems both using exclusively corsair memory


the specs are

system 1


Nforce 2 a7n8xE duluxe with an atlon xp 3000+

the memory in this is


slot 1 256MB CMX 256A 2700 C2PT

slot 2 AS above

slot 3 512Mb CMX 512 2700 c2


this passes the memory tests


system two

nforce 2 a7n8x duluxe with an atlon xp 3000+


slot 1 256MB CMX 256A 2700 C2PT

slot 2 AS above

slot 3 512Mb CMX 512 2700 c2PT


again passes the test


trouble is that system two locks all the time in win xp

if i swap the 512Mb modules then the other system locks all the time. so it would appear to be that module. However they pass the tests!!


any ideas?


thanks in advance



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  • Corsair Employee

Please make sure that you have bios version 1.013 or newer and then load setup defaults and set these settings manually and test the modules one at a time with http://www.memtest.org.

CPU Freq: 166 MHz

System Performance: User Define

Memory Frequency: 100%

Dim Voltage to 2.7 Volts

Resulting Frequency: 166MHz

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 3T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 7T

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i have tested all the RAM sticks with the new settings you sent me. I noticed that the voltage was only at 2.6 not 2.7 so that may have been the recent failures i was getting. All sticks have passed and so i have put them all back in for a soak test and will let you know the results of that


thanks for the help so far



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  • 2 months later...



as you will see from this thread my memory appears to be failing and yet it passes all tests. Since the last post i changed mainboards and juggled memory in slots and adjusted all the settings as you requested. I am still getting one 512Mb strip failing however. I seems that any large memory hungry game makes it fail. on the list are UT2004, battlefield 2 demo, farcry, half life 2, all failing with lock out and sound loop.


All these games except demo were working fine until i took on the memory dimm from my other system.


can i return for better investigation as i am convinced it is it?





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  • Corsair Employee

That might suggest a power problem, but I have no problem replacing the modules.

Please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

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