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HWInfo and iCue/CoPro - still hate each other.


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I'm using the latest build of both on a new system (with no LINK or other legacy software). Whenever I run HWInfo my Commander Pro just goes caput.


The fans linked to it all go to max speed, and it stops reporting anything at all in iCue - even voltages all read zero. I have to reboot for it to work again.


This is a little disappointing for iCue to be only partially compatible with such a high profile monitoring program. I can run HWInfo if, when you go to settings, you disable interaction with Corsair software - but it's a slightly dumbed down version I suppose.


I assume this is still a known issue...? Are there any good monitoring alternatives to HWInfo that play nice with the CoPro/iCue? Many thanks as always.

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The problem is that only one application can access the devices at a time. HWInfo doesn't interact with iCue or any other software ... they are both interacting with the hardware. And that's the problem.


The best thing to do is to disable HWInfo's monitoring of the Corsair devices, as you mentioned.

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Corsair needs to step up and allow cross compatibility with their hardware especially with other monitoring software...i.e. AIDA64 and HWINFO64. If not, develop a customized monitoring system that can compete.
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Specifically for HWInfo, there should be a warning when you start up asking if you want to disable Corsair sensor monitoring. Once you click yes, it will skip those each time. If you don't get the warning, you should be able manually toggle off the Corsair specific devices. Also, make sure you use the "Portable Installer" version of HWINFO. That one will only deploy the driver when you launch it and recall it when you exit.


I am afraid AIDA is not so easy, at least on Z370. It does see my Commander Pro again now, but it just isn't useful and I get all kinds of stray data points even when iCUE and the Corsair Service are not running. I don't have a good solution for that one right now.

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I am afraid AIDA is not so easy, at least on Z370. It does see my Commander Pro again now, but it just isn't useful and I get all kinds of stray data points even when iCUE and the Corsair Service are not running. I don't have a good solution for that one right now.


Can you disable monitoring of Corsair devices in Aida?

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Can you disable monitoring of Corsair devices in Aida?


I probably could, but I use the two (HWINFO/AIDA) in different ways. I will use HWINFO as a companion monitoring tool to get values iCUE does not. On this system, I use AIDA as a test tool (CPU, memory, cache settings) so it is better used with iCUE closed for that short period of time. Not sure why the thermistor values go crazy with iCUE and the Corsair service not running, but it is typically not critical for my uses.

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  • 9 months later...

i use aida to monitor my system and display it on a lcd i do not and will not use icue for system monitoring at all it's just there for my mouse game profiles and h80i initial setup (change default fan curve)

icue has far too limited of a monitor tool for me to be bothered with not including of the bad bugs and glitches it has as a result of this monitor stuff we can't fully turn off each thing

like come on what monitor software don't let you turn off each and every thing individually (ICUE) <.<


removed cpuid files and other system monitoring crap in the icue folder. i end up lose sight of my h80i but that matters little, as aida picks up the values on it without issue and i can confirm rpm are still set as i set them

would be nice if they could make their program not use that thing if it's not needed

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