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a8v deluxe with corsair xms3200xlpro


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OK, looks like I have it figured out. I clocked the RAM down to 3-3-3-8, set 2T command rate to auto, and I just got done playing HL2 for over an hour and a half. Is Half Life 2 really that hardcore on the RAM that it's the only thing that could push it's limits? Anyway, does this mean I should RMA my DIMMs?
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Honestly, someone's missed the boat on this one - so many people, including me, have had so many issues with this same problem.


That aside, should we really be forced to run our DDR400 memory at DDR333 or sub-DDR333 speeds? I would like an answer to that as I am also pulling my hair out trying to get World of Warcraft to actually run more than 30minutes without crashing.


My PC, just like the one in this post- off the top of my head - more specifics can be had if needed.

Asus A8V Deluxe (official BIOS 1.009, not the latest BETA)

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 939

Corsair TWINX1024-3200LLPT (being twinx I have two, and they are in the dual channel config in banks A1, B1)


EVGA Geforce 6800 GT (driving Dell 2005FP @ 1680x1050 via DVI)

SoundBlaster Audigy 2ZS Platinum

Antec NeoPower 480w (rated VERY STABLE by MaximumPC in their torture test)



I have tried various solutions from random posts, things like:

specifying DDR voltage = 2.8v

specifying Limit = DDR333

specifying "2T Command Rate" = Auto (??), then Enabled (2T), then Disabled (1T?)


I've run Prime95 and memtest86+ for various trials with variations of bios tweaks... but the minute I load of World of Warcraft and play for over 20minutes, sure enough, CRASH.. with what looks like memory reference errors, but hard for me to really tell.


Now I'd like to hear from a real expert to regiment my testing, point me in the right direction, and get my rig operational (it hasn't been right for the 3 months since I bought the components).


Could it be AGP related, or even worse, an issue with videocard memory even?


-Please Help Us Ram Guy-

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  • Corsair Employee


I would maybe try and test your modules one at a time and make sure one is not failing. If they both pass I would maybe try and RMA your CPU. But if you get any errors with Memtest let's try replacing your modules first.


Please try and install the modules in slots A2 and B2 and then go to bios setup and load setup defaults and set the following settings and test the system with http://www.memtest.org.

Dim Voltage to +2.7 Volts:

CAS Latency CL=2.0

Row Cycle Time tRC Bios Default

Row Refresh Cyc Time tRFC Bios Default

Ras# to CAS# delay tRCD 3

Row to Row delay Bios Default

Min Ras# Active Time tRAS 6

Row Precharge Time tRP 2

Write Recovery Time Bios Default

Write to Read delay Bios Default

Read to Write Delay Bios Default

Refresh Period tREF Bios Default

Enable 2T Timing Disabled

Then test the system with http://www.memtest.org and make sure it's stable! If you have problems, I would set Enable 2T Timings to AUTO and test it again!


There is really no Max, but maybe a better way would be, what is the minimum you should use? And that would depend on the system configuration. However, with this platform I would suggest a minimum of 450 Watts with a basic system, if you have it heavily loaded like 4 HDD's a high end graphics card 500 Watt or bigger may be needed.

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Just curious, what gives you the impression that it may be the CPU? Do you think it's the memory controller on the CPU that is causing it to have problems with the tight timings? The first thing I think when loosening timings solves a problem is that the RAM is not performing to spec. I sure hope I don't have to RMA the CPU, that would be a huge pain.
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Please try and install the modules in slots A2 and B2 and then go to bios setup and load setup defaults and set the following settings and test the system with http://www.memtest.org.

Dim Voltage to +2.7 Volts:

CAS Latency CL=2.0

Row Cycle Time tRC Bios Default

Row Refresh Cyc Time tRFC Bios Default

Ras# to CAS# delay tRCD 3

Row to Row delay Bios Default

Min Ras# Active Time tRAS 6

Row Precharge Time tRP 2

Write Recovery Time Bios Default

Write to Read delay Bios Default

Read to Write Delay Bios Default

Refresh Period tREF Bios Default

Enable 2T Timing Disabled

Then test the system with http://www.memtest.org and make sure it's stable! If you have problems, I would set Enable 2T Timings to AUTO and test it again!


Thanks! I have set all the above settings in my bios and completed test 1 of 2 with a specific failure I want to note here. So running memtest86+ for over 10hours generated one error on pass 9 of 26.

With "2T Command = Disabled", this is my error (maybe a jpeg pic from my camera would be easier):


<general info>

WallTime: 10:33:10

Pass: 26

Errors: 1


<failure info>

Tst: 7

Pass: 9

Failing Address: 000147dd068 - 327.8mb

Good: 4aac7f27

Bad: 4aac7d27

Err-Bits: 00000200

Count: 1

Chan: {blank}



Now I will change the 2T setting to AUTO and run this memtest86+ again and post the results in another 10hours. :eek:

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  • Corsair Employee


I would try the Dim Voltage set to 2.8 and that will probably solve that!



Let me put it this way, so we can make sure we are on the same page.

If both modules will run at their tested settings running one module at a time but not when installed in dual channel then there are a few possibilities.

1. The MB/CPU/Memory Controller just will not run with the Rass to Cass set to "2".

2. The Mb bios is not new enough to properly see or run the CPU.

3. You may have un-stable power at higher out put cauing random errors.


Memory is nothing more than an electronic switch it either works or it doesnt.

If you try to run the memory timings too agressive for the system you will normally get an error in test 5 or 8. If you have a failing module it will fail usually in test 4 at the same address no matter what frequency or timing you run them at.

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I would try the Dim Voltage set to 2.8 and that will probably solve that!



Let me put it this way, so we can make sure we are on the same page.

If both modules will run at their tested settings running one module at a time but not when installed in dual channel then there are a few possibilities.

1. The MB/CPU/Memory Controller just will not run with the Rass to Cass set to "2".

2. The Mb bios is not new enough to properly see or run the CPU.

3. You may have un-stable power at higher out put cauing random errors.


Memory is nothing more than an electronic switch it either works or it doesnt.

If you try to run the memory timings too agressive for the system you will normally get an error in test 5 or 8. If you have a failing module it will fail usually in test 4 at the same address no matter what frequency or timing you run them at.



I guess for the record I wanted to post my findings when running at all the above settings suggested for "RGERMAIN", but having just the 2T Command Rate set to AUTO... it took a while, but it failed



<general info>

WallTime: 62:00:00

Pass: 148

Errors: 1


<failure info>

Tst: 6

Pass: 76

Failing Address: 000147dd068 - 327.8mb

Good: ffff7fff

Bad: ffff7dff

Err-Bits: 00000200

Count: 1

Chan: {blank}



It took 76 passes for this error to appear this time. :bigeyes:

In catching up on the previous comment from RAM GUY, I'm going to now change the DRR Voltage = 2.8, and also keep the 2T Command = DISABLED


firgure I'll let that run for another 24hours or so and see where I stand after that testing. -THANKS! :sigh!:

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Please let us know!


Perhaps as suspected, using the settings of DDR Voltage = 2.8 and 2T Command = Disabled resulted in another failure. :(:



<general info>

WallTime: 34:51:00

Pass: 86

Errors: 1


<failure info>

Tst: 7

Pass: 74

Failing Address: 000147dd068 - 327.8mb

Good: e3426f9f

Bad: e3426d9f

Err-Bits: 00000200

Count: 1

Chan: {blank}



So... now there is one last test (I guess) before I try and RMA these suckers.

I've got memtest86+ running right now with DDR Volt = 2.8 and 2T Command = Auto. And by no means am I counting my chickens until they hatch, but its been running now for just over 35 hours without failure. The test is on Pass = 84 ... and with prior test failing at pass 74 and pass 76 I'd like to think that I've found settings that won't fail. So I'll let this test run some more... another 24 or 48 hours and then count my blessings.


Of course once the memory and settings pass these tests, I'll need to fire up World of Warcraft and put the settings to the real test and see then if they fail during gameplay.


However, know what is really sad about this whole ordeal... is that I blew all this cash on a real nice desktop, and with my desktop being out of comission and unusable all thhis time I've been playing WoW just fine on my work laptop... a trusty ole IBM ... a decently spec'd T42 Thinkpad has been working just fine. Makes me wonder if the age of the desktop is really over. :roll:



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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the CPU speed and it’s FSB as well? In addition, please tell me the bios settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set? And please tell me your complete system configuration, namely make and model of PSU and Video card and how many drives you have?
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