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The return module gives error!


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I have got the return of my RMA(R68885), but one of those two module(twinx1024-3200xl) gives this error also with higer timings, here is the error: http://members.fortunecity.it/borboni/screen.JPG

I've tried it also in single channel, and only one module gives the error.

I've tried on two different pc and with many different voltages.

When in single channel the module gives the error around 198MB, in dual around 390. The errors come out wiht memtest1.50 from the 2nd pass and on


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All of our XMS modules are tested on a MB before they leave our factory. In addition, with AMD failures are not uncommon on test 8 with http://www.memtest.org. Please read the readme file that came with memtest. And can you tell me the bios settings you had set?

May you tell me where is the part of the readme that interest to my problem? I can't find it.

I've tried from 2.6V till 2.9V(what do you suggest?), I tried chipset Vcore from 1.5 to 1.7. The Cpu interface is on, but I guess it's not the problem since it would mean that I cannot increase the FSB of the mobo with this memory.

Is there some special setting you want to know?

My configuration is in signature.

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  • Corsair Employee

Please tell me the make and model of MB you have along with the CPU speed and it’s FSB as well? In addition, please tell me the bios settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set? Also can you tell me the make and odel of PSU you are using?



Taken from the readme file when you down load and extract http://www.memtest.org or http://www.memtest86.com


14) Known Problems


Sometimes when booting from a floppy disk the following messages scroll up

on the screen:






This the BIOS reporting floppy disk read errors. Either re-write or toss

the floppy disk.


Memtest86 has no support for multiple CPUs. Memtest86 should run

without problems, but it will only use one CPU.


Memtest86 can not diagnose many types of PC failures. For example a

faulty CPU that causes Windows to crash will most likely just cause

Memtest86 to crash in the same way.


There have been numerous reports of errors in only tests 5 and 8 on Athlon

systems. Often the memory works in a different system or the vendor insists

that it is good. In these cases the memory is not necessarily bad but is

not able to operate reliably at Athlon speeds. Sometimes more conservative

memory timings on the motherboard will correct these errors. In other

cases the only option is to replace the memory with better quality, higher

speed memory. Don't buy cheap memory and expect it to work with an Athlon!


Memtest86 supports all types of memory. If fact the test has absolutely

no knowledge of the memory type nor does it need to. This not a problem

or bug but is listed here due to the many questions I get about this issue.


Changes in the compiler and loader have caused problems with

Memtest86 resulting in both build failures and errors in execution. A

binary image (precomp.bin) of the test is included and may be used if

problems are encountered.

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Abit NF7-S(rev2) latest bios, but I've tested it also on a gigabyte 7N400Pro2 rev 2.

CPU is an Athlonxp 3200+ at 2200MHz, FSB is 200, I have set cpu interface option, and memory settings ar bye SPD.

My psu is an OCZ Powerstream 520W, I think the best beside the 600.


In the readme it says to replace memory with better quality! Perhaps was I wrong to buy Corsair?!

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  • Corsair Employee

That MB should not be a problem, but please try and reset the bios and then load setup defaults with the suspect module installed and then set the Dim Voltage set to 2.8 Volts and do not chnage anything else other than the boot order and test it again with http://www.memtest.org. If it still fails then please reply to the last email you got from your RMA and let them know you are still having problems and we will pay the freight both ways.


And it also states,

There have been numerous reports of errors in only tests 5 and 8 on Athlon

systems. Often the memory works in a different system or the vendor insists

that it is good. In these cases the memory is not necessarily bad but is

not able to operate reliably at Athlon speeds. Sometimes more conservative

memory timings on the motherboard will correct these errors.

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That MB should not be a problem, but please try and reset the bios and then load setup defaults with the suspect module installed and then set the Dim Voltage set to 2.8 Volts and do not chnage anything else other than the boot order and test it again with http://www.memtest.org. If it still fails then please reply to the last email you got from your RMA and let them know you are still having problems and we will pay the freight both ways.


And it also states,

I've applied these settings, reset bios - load safe defaults - set 2.8V - memtest1.51 with only the one suspect stick (test#8 for 21 passes)... still errors:



Now? I'm really disappointed...

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  • Corsair Employee

Please make sure that you install the memory modules on either slots 1&3 or 2&3 and also have the latest BIOS installed for your MB, load Setup/optimized default settings and try the following BIOS settings;

TwinX1024 or TwinX512-3200XL

Softmenu Setup

CPU Freq: 200

DRAM Clock: 400

CPU/Memory ratio: 1:1 or 3:3

Memory or Dim Reference voltage: 2.8 Volts

AGP Voltage: Default *unless you have ATI (9200 or 9600) or NVIDIA (5200 or 5700) then 1.6 Volts suggested!*


Configure Dram timing by SPD: Disabled/User define

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 2T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 2T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 5T

SDRAM Bank Interleaving: 4 banks

SDRAM Burst Length: 8

All other settings should be set to default settings!

Then please test them one at a time with http://www.memtest.org and let’s make sure it's not some other issue! I would run the test for at least 2-3 passes to be sure!

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Please make sure that you install the memory modules on either slots 1&3 or 2&3 and also have the latest BIOS installed for your MB, load Setup/optimized default settings and try the following BIOS settings;

TwinX1024 or TwinX512-3200XL

Softmenu Setup

CPU Freq: 200

DRAM Clock: 400

CPU/Memory ratio: 1:1 or 3:3

Memory or Dim Reference voltage: 2.8 Volts

AGP Voltage: Default *unless you have ATI (9200 or 9600) or NVIDIA (5200 or 5700) then 1.6 Volts suggested!*


Configure Dram timing by SPD: Disabled/User define

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 2T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 2T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 5T

SDRAM Bank Interleaving: 4 banks

SDRAM Burst Length: 8

All other settings should be set to default settings!

Then please test them one at a time with http://www.memtest.org and let’s make sure it's not some other issue! I would run the test for at least 2-3 passes to be sure!

I tested the sticks together on 2&3 slot, with all exact settings you said, the single stick test gave already errors...

With yours exact settings here is the result of 27 passes of test# 8 (the test that gives errors):



......................... :mad:

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That MB should not be a problem, but please try and reset the bios and then load setup defaults with the suspect module installed and then set the Dim Voltage set to 2.8 Volts and do not chnage anything else other than the boot order and test it again with http://www.memtest.org. If it still fails then please reply to the last email you got from your RMA and let them know you are still having problems and we will pay the freight both ways.


And it also states,

Hey, but here you say to reply to the last email to have the freight paid for two ways! So.... what should I do? It's your fault if the return gives errors, I can't pay another freight for your fault! And beside that the heatskinks don't fit the modules properly, they are small for the pcb!

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