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My TwinX 3200XLPT Unstable at stock speeds


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First, I'll give you my system Spec.


MSI Neo2 Plat. Bios 1.52beta (didn't work with 1.4 either)

AMD 3500+ Winchester (Running at stock 11x200=2200Mhz)

TwinX 2xCMX512-3200XLPT XMS3208v1.1 0438065-2

Antec NeoPower 480 ATX 2.0 (previously tried Antec Truepower 480)

Gigabyte ATI 9800Pro


Asus DVD-ROM 616p

WD 80Gb IDE HDD 7200rpm

Seagate 120Gb SATA

2xWD 120Gb SATA


I'm getting stability problems at the rated SPD speeds of 2-2-2-5-1T @200FSB w/ HT set on x5, the computer would reboot randomly with no signs of BSOD, the screen just goes blank and the computer restarts with a beep. This usually happens during all types of cpu load eg. while i'm browsing the web, typing in word or playing games. I've been able to reduce the problem by increasing the timings to 2-3-3-10-1T w/ HT set on x4 (agressive timings are disabled).


Oh BTW, memory voltage is set at 2.80v while vcore has been set to 1.425 + 3.3% over vid.


I've run memtest on the pair of modules together (dimm slots 1+2 - test found errors) and separately (dimm slot 1) when I was using the Antec Truepower 480 and found errors on one module. But as i mentioned before there's not as many errors with the crappy timings. I have not retested using the new Antec NeoPower PS, but i now doubt that the PS was the problem.

I've read up on some forums, and decided to try changing my PS with no luck.


I would really appreciate any suggestions on getting this rig stable at stock speeds (even better if i could get it stable and overclocked, but that's not important right now).


With the really conservative timings the Prime95 still crashes the PC when i leave it overnight. Torture test seems ok though for a few hours.


Please help me!!! It's been on the blink ever since i changed my PC from a MSI Neo Plat w/AMD3200 (not 100% stable, but did better than my current setup), BTW the TwinX was set up using single channel on that board. Now i've gone moved up to dual channel the system keeps rebooting.





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Just an update on memtesting with the new power supply.


I've now tried testing the modules separately in dimm slot 1 (nearest CPU). One module seems OK, while the other fails in test #5 with 6930 errors within 5 mins of running the test.


Memtest also detects errors when both modules are tested together at stock speed. However, as mention previously - i can still use the pair with the timings set to 2-3-10-3 1T, but would rather not since that would defeat the purpose of buying this expensive RAM.





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  • Corsair Employee

Please send us a email with a copy of the form or all of your info name address and phone# and the Module part# and copy the link to this post and email it to Rma@corsairmemory.com.

If after 1 day or 24 hours excluding weekends you do not get the rma please email the same to warranty@corsairmemory.com and we will help to resolve it

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the kind remarks! Please let us know how you make out; any other question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us back we will be more than happy to assist you!




I recieved the RMA'ed modules early today (10 days from when I sent them back - that's really fast considering I sent them from Hong Kong), everything seems to be OK. Memtest isn't showing any errors (after a hour) anymore with the RAM running at the stock speeds. Thanks alot.


However, something wierd happened tho' after i installed them, after a few hours in windows my computer started to reset like before, only this time i started to get really bad artifacts on the screen, to the point where i could no longer read what i was doing anymore. a hour later my ATI Radeon 9800 pro died! Anyway, i'm not sure if that was related to me installing the memory (i severely doubt it), i would like any suggestions as to how that could happen.


Anyway, my computer is now running stable again with a spare Nvidia Vanta LT i had laying around. Seems to me that i probably had more than one problem with my PC that was causing the random restarts.


Now Prime 95 runs fine for a few hours too (i'll leave it on overnight) and report back if there's any incidents of errors.


Thanks again



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  • 2 weeks later...
I would set the Dim Voltage to 2.8 Volts if you have not done so, and it's sounds like you have it under control, so please let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Ramguy,


Since the last time i posted, i've been running into problems again with my AMD PC. I've replaced my GFX card with a new Geforce 6800GT. I thought all was going OK because the new RAM past Memtest for a couple of hours at 2.8 volts like you suggested when i first got it back about a week ago.


Anyway, all my orignal problems started to happen again. I've had the opportunity to test the RAM on a Pentium 4 in a Shuttle XPC and the RAM failed Memtest at 2.7v and 2.8v, but work for a overnight run at 2.9v.


Since then, i've retested on the AMD platform and it will keep failing memtest at the stock settings with the mem voltage set to either 2.8 v or 2.85 v. The bad news for me is that my MSI K8N Neo2 won't go up to 2.9v like the PIV - Shuttle XPC.


What i want to ask you is: does this mean the memory is faulty? It seems to work fine at 2.9v on somebody elses computer but not at a lower voltage setting. Big problem is i can't get my memory voltages any higher than 2.85 v in the bios. I do not want to do any vmods etc.. to the mobo as i have read in many overclocking threads on the net.


I know that this RAM (TwinX 3200XLPT) should be OK on the MSI K8N Neo2. As many people are using this combo.


I have tested my AMD setup with other manufacturer's RAM and it is very stable at stock speeds@3-4-4-8. I know that this is really different type of RAM, but at least i know my PC can be stable at stock speeds.


I've even researched for other brands of AMD mobos than might have 2.9 vdimm capabilities, but no luck yet.


Sorry for such a long post, but i'm trying to give you as much info as possible for you in hope that you might know another way around my current problem without having to RMA my RAM again. I'm starting to think I should have bought an Intel system instead :(


I've read somewhere else, can't remember now - that these TwinX 1024XLPT are based on the TCCD chips, and that they should be fine on non-extreme voltages unlike BH5 etc.. BTW the TwinX sticks that the RMA dept. sent me back were Revision 1.2 PCB instead of the rev 1.1 i return previoulsy.


thanks again



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  • Corsair Employee
I dont see any issues with your config, but I would maybe try and reset of clear the bios and try setting the timings again. But if you continue to have problems we can try and replace them again, but if you can get your CPU replaced I think I would try that first.
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I'm still having problems with the RAM. I have done what you suggested eg. I have tried a different AMD CPU, several different AMD mobos (VIA and NF3ultra) all courtesy of a friendly local PC shop. The shop concluded that one of the RAM sticks is faulty.


I'm not too sure what to think because it seemed to work on a friends P4 Shuttle XPC. A bit confused.


I have asked if the shop could help me replace or RMA the RAM to the Corsair reseller here in Hong Kong (reseller is 'Hornington'). However, the reseller has said that the RAM does not belong to them, they will not allow me to RMA them. I think this is because I had them RMA'd once to the USA already, i've informed the resller about this too.


BTW the reason why I sent them to you in the first place is because the shop i bought them in closed down a few weeks after i purchased the RAM and i could not find the resellers separate warranty card.


Anyway, what i would like to do now is to send them back to you (once i get them back off the reseller) OR maybe have you guys contact the reseller to allow me to RMA the RAM.


From what i understand from reading other users posts, Corsair will pay for shipping both ways on the second RMA. Can you let me know how to arrange this if necessary?






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  • Corsair Employee
If you have done a RMA with us once we will take care of the freight both ways and let’s try replacing them again. Please reply to the last email you got from our Customer Service and let them know you are having trouble and I have suggested we try replacing your modules. If you have any questions or problems please call me at 888-222-4346 and ask for Ram Guy and I will do my best to help you.
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  • 2 weeks later...



I've recieved the second RMA set of TwinX modules today. It's only been 6 days since i sent them back (i'm still impressed).


Anyway, i've tested them for 5 passes of memtest at the recommended settings of 2-2-2-5 @1T 200MHz w/ 2.70v, it seems to be OK now - i'll post back if i run into any errors.


Thanks again,



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