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Memory problem


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My Corsair CMX512-3200C2pro 512MB memory no longer works. When i restarted my computer, my computer frooze at the bootup screen and would not even let me get into the bios. I know that it was a ram problem because when i swtich it out with my backup ram, my system started running again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


-josh cruz

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My corsair CMX512-3200C2PRO memory is no longer working. After restarting my computer several times, it always freezes at the start up screen not allowing me to get into the bios. I knew it was a RAM problem because my system worked again after i switch it out with my backup RAM. any help would be appreciated. thanks
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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the make and model of MB you have along with the CPU speed and it’s FSB as well? In addition, please tell me the bios settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?
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