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Bad Memory Stick


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Hi, I have a K7N2 Delta - ILSR motherboard with an Athlon XP 2600+ and 2 Corsair RAM sticks with part number CM72SD256-2100. I've had both of them for about 2-3 years now, and have had no problems at all. Then all of a sudden yesterday my computer reset itself and then it wouldn't go into Windows, either giving me random blue screens (0xBE, etc), or giving me an error about random files (Ntfs.sys, etc) and saying I need to repair Windows. So I get my Windows cd, put it in, and while it's loading it up, it gives an error code (error code 4, I believe, can't remember right now) so it won't even get to repair option. So I decide to try 1 memory stick at a time, and with one stick it works perfectly fine in all slots, while with the other one it will either not even boot up and beep giving me the memory error code, or not go into Windows giving me some messed up error (the ones mentioned above). I have the latest Bios here for this board, I'm running with all the normal settings, haven't changed anything, so... What am I supposed to do now? Do I ship this RAM stick to you guys or what?
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