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Bad modules. Requesting a RMA


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Hi RamGuy,

I recently purchased two sticks of RAM and they seemed to have died on me. When I put one of the sticks in my motherboads, the computer beeps a fatal memory error beep-code and the computer will not boot. With just the other stick of RAM in, the computer will boot up but I get a lot of errors, including memory access errors, frequent crashes in many programs, and the inability to install programs. It took me three attempts to install XP and about 15 attempts to install an anti-virus program, but in the end they finally installed. I thought it could possibly be the hard-drive, so I replaced that and still had the same problems. I borrowed two identical modules from a friend and all of the problems went away and my system worked perfectly; no more crashes, no more install issues, etc.

My bad RAM is : CMX512-3200LLPRO (2 sticks)

Asus K8V SE Deluxe

Athlon64 3400+ CPU

(all default speeds and settings)


By the way, I ran memtest on my RAM (only on the stick that could boot up since I couldn't load it on the other one) and had 5 errors in about 90 minutes. I tried reseating the RAM and still had the same errors. The sticks I borrowed showed no errors in memtest.


Thank you for your time, RamGuy.

Jordan Lehmiller

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  • Corsair Employee
First please make sure that you have the latest bios installed then clear the bios with both modules installed in slots 1-3 or 2-3 and see if the system will post and let you into the bios. If so then load setup defaults, and set the Dim Voltage to 2.7 Volts and try testing them with http://www.memtest.org. If you still have problems then we can try replacing the modules, but it would be really hard to get 2 bad Pro modules as they are tested 250% before they leave our factory.
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Thanks for the quick response RamGuy.

I cleared my CMOS, updated my BIOS and loaded default settings, then changed the DIMM voltage to 2.7 and ran memtest. I ran it with both sticks in and got about 3 dozen errors in the first pass. I noticed that the entire time the module that won't boot up on its own had only 2 LED's flicker on and off in the middle of the stick, unlike the other module where all 20 or so get lit up. I shut down after that test and removed the non-bootable stick and ran memtest again and got the same errors. My programs still crash frequently with those changes.

Please advise on what I should do next.


Thank you for your time,

Jordan Lehmiller

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