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Performance #'s


System: P4 478 “Prescott” 3.0G, 1GB DRAM, Open system case


Idle condition is WinXP with no applications running


Load condition is CPU Burn-In v1.01 running for 1 hour




Temperatures start being measured after at least 30 min of running in a given condition (idle or load) to ensure equilibrium has set in. Lab temp is consistent 24 C.




Cool by Corsair – Arctic Ceramique thermal compound




Temp Delta CPU monitor to case monitor – avg over 30 min


Idle: 6 C


Load: 11.3 C




Stock Intel Air Cooling – Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound




Temp Delta CPU monitor to case monitor – avg over 30 min


Idle: 14.2 C


Load: 27.8 C



System: P4 478 “Prescott” 3.0G @ 3.75Ghz, 1GB DRAM, Open system case


Idle condition is WinXP with no applications running


Load condition is CPU Burn-In v1.01




Stock Intel Air Cooling – Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound




Temp Delta CPU monitor to case monitor – avg over 30 min


Idle: 22 C


Load: 41 C



Cool by Corsair – Arctic Ceramique thermal compound




Temp Delta CPU monitor to case monitor – avg over 30 min


Idle: 11 C


Load: 17 C




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nice but the parts look familiar :D

As the guys at Legit Reviews mentioned ... it is very Swiftech ... but with the flash and flair that Corsair is known for.

Another post in these forums suggested a few differences ...

documentation, connection/fitting types ... seems that Corsair took the Swiftech part and then made it better. Has anyone seen a review of this product yet?

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Don't think that there are any out yet, but should be soon. You won't really see much of a differance temps between Corsair and Swiftech, if any at all. It's a well rounded systemand should perform and sell well for those just getting into water cooling. You can always get better temps with any system by doing a few mods as you all know. Here's a mod that has been proven to increase pump performance and it has all the test info to back it up, a very well done mod.



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A better configuration is to put the radiator in the front of the case and suck cool air in from the front. Then It won't make any difference what the case temp is. You might start to have problems cooling the GPU that way unless you have a water block for that.


At any rate you'd need a good sized case to fit everything inside and not giet everything tangled up :D:



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The test system as shown above does not even have a exhaust fan on the back of the case. If you have adaquate airflow from the intake fans at the front of the case and exhaust fans at the top of the case you could have the fan attached to the radiator sucking air through the radiator. This would give you the most fresh air intake for the radiator.
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Yeah, definitely LESS bells and whistles than the ole HC200. I mean the HC200 block was a solder job; the one in the pic looks like the stuff I see in unknown kits here in Japan.


Too many hoses in the case: familiar problem with watercooling.


No quick disconnects, so swapping rigs is not practical.


However remember the power of the microchannel block; most blocks on the market are simply milled pieces, no engineering involved. Not enough dwell time for heat exhange.


I don't understand those temps!!! I mean 11C? Where were they running those tests, outside in the Midwest? Even with my heat off here in winter I'm at 18 C room.


If you got a good PSU (to eliminate the LCD issues), can't believe how rock steady the ole HC200 is. I have four Pressies 3.0E-3.4E, and five Northwoods 3.2C-3.4C. Every one except two hit 4 gig on the HC200. The two that bring up the rear are a 3.2C at 3.94 and a 3.4C at 3.97 gig! I simply run a gutted 25 mm fan as a shroud, with a 120 mm fan behind it, bolted to the external port of the case. Warrantee still intact. I get sub 30 C temps with Northies and 37 C max with Prescotts, under load.

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