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Settings for 1024twinx4400c25 on Asus A8nSLI Deluxe?


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Hi there!


I just put together my new PC and am trying to figure out the correct (extreme but not over the top) settings for my system.

I have the 1024twinx4400c25 on a brandnew Asus A8nSLI Deluxe.


Sorry for beeing a bit noob but i tried part of the settings here can someone give me the figures:



Max Memclock DDR XXX?

Memmory Timing: 1t or 2t?





Master ECC enabled/disabled?


would be kick *** if someone could help me out here cheers..



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  • Corsair Employee

You can find the tested settings in XMS Qualification and Testing but I would start with these settings and go from there:

Dim Voltage: 2.8 Volts

Max Memclock DDR 400?

Memmory Timing: 1t

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 2T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 2T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 5T

Master ECC disabled?

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Please try and set the TRCD to 3 and make sure that you have the latest bios and voltage set properly as well. And what do you have the CPU Frequency set to?


I did that.. still crash boom bang

but i might have to change the freq?

I have it on default=200


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Can you tell me the exact settings you have set? And have you tried to load setup defaults and start over?


OK.. next round


Here are the settings.. i dont know if u need more.



DDR 400

Memory Timing: 1





Master ECC: Disabled


Under "config"

DDR Voltage: 2.8

CPU freq: 200

PCI: 100



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ok.. I don’t know how long i should run the test but on default bios setting there were zero errors after 45minutes

Then I ran a test after the recommended settings by you and there were errors when I checked after 15 minutes..

I have no clue how to interpret these error messages but there were 10 "failing addresses"


So now what, boss?




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ok.. I don’t know how long i should run the test but on default bios setting there were zero errors after 45minutes

Then I ran a test after the recommended settings by you and there were errors when I checked after 15 minutes..

I have no clue how to interpret these error messages but there were 10 "failing addresses"


So now what, boss?






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