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Motherboard tells me its bad RAM


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My computer won't boot, and the LED unit that came with the motherboard is giving the signal for bad RAM. I was running an MSI KT6V-LSR with a CMX512-3200C2 stick. I'm pretty sure it is the RAM as everything has been newly replaced.
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So what is the exact part# of the module or modules you are trying to use?

And have you tried to clear the bios with just one module installed?


I was running one CMX512-3200C2 stick. I've tried resetting the BIOS, seating it in the other slot, putting it in other computers, and it won't boot in any of them and the systems all either beep or give LED flashes to indicate bad memory.


If the part number is a seven digit number followed by a hyphen and one digit, then it's: 0417056-5, but i'm not sure that's what you want.

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