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First of all: Hi, new guy here :).


I recently put together a new computer(specifications in my signature).


Didn't take me long to get a bluescreen while playing Far Cry. At the time my timings where set to 2-2-2-5 2T(forgot to change the last one to 1T) and the memoryvoltage where set to AUTO. I changed it to 2.5-3-3-7 2T and it worked well, no bluescreen in 2 days. But I thought to myself, here I have paid a lot of money for some good memories so I'm gonna use them as they should be used. I researched a little on various forums and came up with the conclusion that my memoryvoltage was to low so I raised it to 2.75v, and set the timings to 2-2-2-5 1T. I haven't gotten any bluescreens yet, only been running this settings for about two hours.


But, I have run memtest86, from http://www.memtest86.com and in 20mins I got 4 errors in the first test. Then I cancelled it, so I could do a little more research and I found this forum(seems nice by the way). My question is, is 4 errors normal in that short of time? How many would I be getting if I run the full test and how long does a full test take? I live in Sweden(if you think my english is bad, there's you reason) so I wonder how the warranty works for me should there be something wrong with my memories.


Appreciate any help.


Edit: Ran the test again, this time for about one hour. 12 errors, all on test#5. Seems to be 4 errors per cycle. All other test# report no errors so it's only test#5. Gonna try with only one module at a time now.


Edit2: Ran the tests on the modules individually. First module, no errors. Second module reported 4 errors in test#5 the first cycle. I ran the modules in the same slot(slot1). Think it's safe to say that I have a defect module, right?

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  • Corsair Employee


I am sorry but we are not open on the weekends. Our hours are 8:30AM to 5:30 PM Pacific time Monday through Friday excluding holidays.


And I would try and set the Dim Voltage to 2.8 Volts and test the modules one at a time. If you still get errors with just one of the modules then lets get them replaced. However failures in test 5 usually suggest some other problem, so please make sure that you have the latest bios and you load setup defaults and just set the Dim Voltage and see if that will resolve this.


Please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

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No apology needed, didn't think of the timedifference.


But one of the modules reports no errors, while the other one does. They are tested in the same slot and same settings of course.


There is no load setup defaults in my bios. There is only fail-safe settings and one other I don't remember exactly. think it was optimised settings.


What I can find, there is no later BIOS-version then the one I have and I don't really feel comfortable flashing it either.

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Thank you, but I'm gonna try to get it replaced by my retailer here in Sweden first. Don't think it's gonna be a problem but if it does, I'll come back to you.


Edit: It's not necessary to replace them both right? They weren't sold as "Twinx". They were sold like "2x512Mb matched........". They came in separate packages.

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Ok, I'll phone them tomorrow and suggest they replace both of them with a Twinx-set. Do you think I can demand that they do that? Do the Twinx-set come with two modules in one package? The reason why I ask is that when I ordered these, it said like this: "Corsair CMX512-3200XL XMS3200 2x512Mb (tot. 1024Mb/1Gb) Dual DDR PC3200 XL 2-2-2-5 400MHz with Heatsink".

One would think that this is a matched pair.

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