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VS512MB400 memory or ABIT VT7 MB issue??


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Need help, anyone please.


I don't know what is wrong with my system. Here is what happening with my system

When i am using both the sticks (2*512MB) on any of the combination 1&3 or 2&4. The system reboots randomly while working on system, running any online music, writting CD, chatting, even reading documents. You never know when system will go down and reboot. I also tried running memtest till 400% but no error found.

Now when i am using one stick 512MB(anyone of those), system just runs fine for days and days. No reboots.


I see this RAM is compatible with VT7MB but don't know if this is the possible cause, any idea???


Here are specs, let me know if need more.



Mother board : ABIT VT7

CPU : P4 3EGhz, 800 Mhz system Bus

Memory: Corsair Value select (1GB memory module kit) VS512MB400 PC3200 dual channel.

Power supply: Linkword LPG8 350w

HDD : Segate 160GB


DRAM voltage : 2.65v

DRAM Timing : Auto by SPD

SDAM CAS latency: 2.5

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
No problem, please let me know how you make out!


No, change of voltage does not seems to resolve issue. I am having same problem random reboots but not every day now or lot lesser time.


So should i increase voltage to one more step or any other ideas to try, let me know?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some time i do get BSOD meesage but most of the time it rebooted without any notice.


And i found these system error after reboot, see if it helps. I am really don't understand whats going on with system, or should i replace my RAM.


System error:

Date: 3/3

Category : 102

Event ID : 1003


Error code 1000000a, parameter1 15c22208, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 80509eb1.


System error:

Date: 2/28

Category : 102

Event ID : 1003

Error code 1000007f, parameter1 00000008, parameter2 f7ac6d70, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 00000000

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  • Corsair Employee

You can search these error codes at http://www.microsoft.com/technet. But the Error code 1000007f is a driver and or service pack issue and they suggest the latest drivers and service pack. However I have no problem replacing the modules if you want to try that.

Please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!

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