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lower bandwidth speed DDR400


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I am using the Value Select PC3200 1gb kit (2=512) x 2 for a total of 2GB and 4 sticks. Memtest 86 shows that I am only running at 2445 MB/s instead of over 3000 MB/s that I should be getting. Is there a problem with the ram or the mobo or Memtest 86?


Intel D865PERLK MOBO Dual Channel and 4 identical sticks in the 4 slots.

3.2c P4



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Well, with four modules there are inherent latencies, but I think your system is running them in "virtual single channel mode."


Thus, losing you the benefit of dual-channel operation.


Also, with 4 modules, you're probably running at CAS 3 which will hurt your bandwidth and that particular board might also set them to a 2T command rate.


All of these reasons seem plausible to me and basically mean you're bandwidth is correct for that setup.


What MODE does Memtest say you're running in? How many channels? What latencies?




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Well, with four modules there are inherent latencies, but I think your system is running them in "virtual single channel mode."


Thus, losing you the benefit of dual-channel operation.


Also, with 4 modules, you're probably running at CAS 3 which will hurt your bandwidth and that particular board might also set them to a 2T command rate.


All of these reasons seem plausible to me and basically mean you're bandwidth is correct for that setup.


What MODE does Memtest say you're running in? How many channels? What latencies?





Memtest shows Dual Channel 128bits


FSB 199 Mhz

PAT: Disabled ( I don't really know what PAT is)

RAM: 199 MHZ (DDR398)


I tried to switch over to 2T but got a no post.

My system post after a reset shows Dual Channel and Dynamic.


No errors show up with Memtest 86

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That is not uncommon. Many MB's will disable MAM or PAM when you have more than 2 modues because of chipset loading. But to be sure I would test the modules 2 at a time.


OK I can try 2 at a time only and see what happens. What is MAM or PAM, what other names for these would I be looking for?


2 of these sticks I have been running with for 6 months, but then I tried to add an additional 2 sticks of XMS ULL, that I was going to use in a AMD64/MSI set up. While it did run ok, there was no way to get 2-2-2-5 (it wouldn't run at those timings on the other board either) and this board doesn't allow for any voltage regulation and is set at 2.5v not 2.8v, so I got an identical pair to the ones I had.


The idea I was working on, is creating a RAM disk of 300mb to run PhotoShop on, and then use the rest as normal RAM. When I do have the RAM Disk Image loaded, my system seems very fast for everything. Is that possible? Too much ram slows the system down because the MB disables?

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