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Value select fails memtest 6


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I purchased a stick of value select 512 333 over a year ago from New Egg.

They refered me to the manufacturer which got me here. I got Half-Life2 as a gift and the thing crashed at the same spot. So I ran memtest and came back with an error on this stick, test 6 read wrong. I removed it and installed it another box and it failed to address memory during SP2 install. I thought it might be usable running at 133, but it still had the error. Need the RMA.

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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the exact model# of your memory module and please tell me if you purchased that module as a pair or set; also what is the make and model of MB you have along with the CPU speed and its FSB as well? In addition, please tell me if you have the latest BIOS installed on your system and what BIOS settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?
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