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RMA request


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I have two sticks of CMX512-3200LL (Pachaged together) that I purchased approx. one and a half years ago. I recently upgraded my mobo to an ASUS A7N8X-E, and moved all of my components to it. Everything was happy for a week, and then my machine died. I began troublshooting, and found that both sticks of memory had gone bad. And not just memory-error bad, but we-refuse-to-respond-to-anything bad. I have barrowed some RAM from my wifes PC, and everything is running.


Can I RMA these sticks?

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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me what is happening? The system will not post or you are getting errors? And please tell me the system configuration, CPU speed and its FSB and the bios settings you had set for both CPU and memory!
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With the bad sticks in, I hit the power button and all of the fans come on, hardrives spin up, and thats it. No POST, no beeps, nothing. As soon as I throw some other RAM in, it POST's and boots like a champ.


3000+ XP (Barton core) with a 400 FSB -All of the voltages are set to the defaults(no overclocking)

ASUS A7N8X-E mobo

ASUS GeForce 5950 video card

Audigy 2 sound card

2 Western Digital hard drives


I updated the bios after the RAM died, but still nothing.


As for the memory:

2 sticks of CMX512-3200LL

Timings were 2-3-2-6

All voltages were set to default

The RAM was running in dual channel mode


I am on an Air Force base in Germany, so there aren't any "professionaly staffed" stores to take the RAM to, but I do have some fellow gamers who also tested the RAM in their rigs and they had the same results.

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