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Scimitar rgb


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I bought a Scimitar rgb today after my old mice stopped working. I came home plugged it in, it works. Left/right mousbutton, middle buttons and scroll work, but none of the side buttons from 1 - 12 is working. I logged into several diffrent MMOs to test it out but cant get these buttons to work at all.


There isnt some seperate settings or anything to activate these buttons right? When the rest of the mice works, then these buttons should work too yeah?


Either the mice was broken when I bought it, or im doing somthing wrong.

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The buttons 1-12 by default do nothing, you need to install CUE and assign a key/macro to them in order to use them inside a game/app/windows.


For example if you use the button 5 to cast a magic saved on quick-slot 5, then you need to remap the sidebar button you'll use to be the KEY 5.

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