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Really disappointed in Corsair quality


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This will be my last system build using Corsair products....not sure if any of the other products out there are any better, but it's time to find out. Corsair software it the glitchiest software I have ever seen...it's amazing that it does not even report accurate stats for their own hardware...do they even do any beta testing/quality control on this crap? Upgrade to a new version to fix one problem and now you have 6 new ones to deal with...pitiful! I'm done with Corsair products!
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I have just rebuilt my computer into a Corsair 900D, using an H110i GT, Corsair memory and a Corsair PSU, all of which are excellent (apart from a couple of minor problems with the 900D). I haven't even installed Link yet, if the Asus software does what I need I probably won't. Corsair do an excellent range of product and have some very good customer service, but I agree that Link is not their finest achievment.
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CorsairLink 4 is glitchy, I installed it and removed it 5 minutes later. The CPU was jumping around from 1%-15% constantly at the desktop, lol. Went back to 3.whatever and its fine, 0% usage at the desktop. I have a Carbide 300R, its great, although it was damaged by USPS or Amazon. Nothing a rubber mallet and a block of wood couldn't fix. I've had 2 H100i GTX's crap out in the last 5 months, the pumps failed on both and CPU temp shot up to 89C unexpectedly while gaming. Third time is the charm I guess, if not I'll go with Lepa or Swiftech. The CX850M PSU is fine so far, despite it being a 2nd or 3rd tier PSU. It powers my system with 11 case fans, 2 sdd, 1 hdd, 1 BD reader/writer, H100i GTX, 4790k stock turbo OC'd 4.4GHz and eVGA 970 overclocked to 1500+/8000MHz at 352W. So my only complaints are the h100i's and CorsairLink. Spending some extra time beta testing and/or better QC isn't too much to ask is it? Thankfully, Best Buy has been nice enough to swap out 3 H100i's for me in the last 5 months, honoring Corsair's 1 year warranty....

Sorry to hijack your post, I guess this has been bothering me more than I realized.

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I had 3 H100i coolers a while back, all of which were bricked by Link doing a Firmware update (Ok, I can be a slow learner sometimes) but the H110i GT is much better cooler. So far I haven't installed Link and my idle temps (6600K oc'd to 3.9) are, accotding to Real Temp, around 20 to 23 degrees.
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