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500R fan screws


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Hi, I really need to get some fan mounting screws the 500r came with but are nowhere to be found in the shop. The case came with 16 of them but I installed 6 fans and couldn't find any screw that could fit my need and I assure you I've been looking for them in 5 different hardware stores. What can I do to get a hold on a bunch of this screws ? Many thanks.
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Put in a ticket and see if Corsair can sent out a 500R accessory box to you.


Make sure you upload a picture of your invoice as proof of purchase.



Can I put in a ticket even if my warranty has expired ? I bought the case in 2011...I'll give it a try anyway, they've been very kind in the past sending me a front I/O panel free of any charge so you never know. Thanks.

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Hi, thanks for the reply. I got an answer from the customer service about the ticket I opened. They pointed me to this accessory box...




As I've told the guys at customer care the photo doesn't include the screws I'm looking for that's why I didn't consider buying it in the past. Hope someone can confirm they are included or not.

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